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RE: How To Make A Living Playing Video Games: Esports, Streaming, And Blogging

in #gaming7 years ago

Getting Steemit into the profile is a great idea. Thanks!

When it comes to Gaming, personally I'm involved in three ways.

A weekly live (German) podcast I'm part of which has a slowly but steadily growing community. But it has taken us 3+ years to get there.

I also stream on YT, Twitch & Smashcast (after they bought, which in my experience was the best for people starting out new).

The new Twitch tiered partner model is also a bit fairer than the one they had before. To at least get the first benefits of a Twitch affiliate, you have to stream about two to three times a week.

If you want to stream on all three platforms - or even more - at the same time, I'd suggest take a look at It's just one of many services that allows you to stream to multiple platforms. And - as hinted at - all three platforms have their edges & drawbacks.

The main advantage of streaming of course is the fact that it allows you to play with your audience in many ways, if you are creative.
E.g. in one stream series I was playing Rimworld. When the going in the game had slow moments, I'd play games like "Hangman" or "What am I?" with the viewers. It's a lot of fun - both for the streamer and for the viewer. And something you cannot do with a YT Video. For me Streaming is all about interactivity.

And - lastly - I also make gaming videos. Mostly machinimas - so short movies done with gaming content - and the occasional Let's Play.

Mind you, I've done none of those for the money. If you are in it for the money and manage to not lose your soul in the process, you'll face streaming, editing, looking for royalty free music pieces every day.

Congrats! It's now your job! I prefer to keep it as my hobby. ;)