Pubg Mobile Game!
It's time for the battle field let,s join me with the main tricks! !
The game is working very smoothly on my samsung s8 Plus And i have Got some Skills so it make me helpful in online battle field.
The game is totally online and the teamwork is very important for me with the online enemies which will battle with enemies in the battle field!
Mobile Used:
Samsung s8 Plus!
- 6.2-inch for the S8 Plus
- octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chip
- Adreno 540 GPU.
- Android 8.0 orei .
- Built In recording tool in game launcher with high graphics on Hd quality !
- Link with google play !
If you wish to play with me you can add me with the Khanfighter786
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OMG the last pic kill me hahah
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