This is one of those games that had not been confirmed for E3 this year, but I was super excited for. Its funny because I dont really like the horror genre. I watch a lot of movies and I dont like it in movies and I dont like it in games. I dont even remember what made me try the first evil within, but I am so glad I did. The evil within exposed me to a whole new genre of games. I loved the game so much I replayed it multiple times, I went for every trophy, and I even got the hardest trophy where you play the game on the hardest difficulty and 1 hit kills you automatically. The first game has so much style and the story was so interesting. Now I will be honest the first game has some flaws, but I think that it is still an amazing game that I think anyone should play, but be warned it may give you nightmare.
A big part of the first game is the interesting story. In this game you play again as Sebastian, but Sebastian is in a really bad place now. Sebastian lost his job as a detective, his wife and daughter are dead, and hes an alcoholic. The only thing Sebastian has left is to find mobious the secret organization that used him in the first game. This organization has ties to his wife...and his daughter. Kidman, his partner from the first that secretly works for mobious, returns from the first game and tells Seb that mobius has his daughter. She reveals that his daughter is not dead and that they are using her to make another twisted world.
She tells seb that the only way to get her back is to go into the demented machine that makes the world one more time.
One of the other things that I learned that i think is really good is that the team realized that people really liked the story, so they want to add more humanity to the main character to you can connect with him more. I really like this because it makes me think that they have more faith in the game this time around and they are taking it more serious. I cant wait to see what will happen especially since the first left so many questions.
Like the first, the game is a survival horror games where you have to go into this crazy dream world generated by the collective consciousnesses of others. Inside it is a nightmare world where have to survive the onslaught of some horrific creatures. you can fight your way thru but sometimes it is much more beneficial to run away. Inventory management is key in this game and every bullet counts. If you want to make it you have to use your equipment tactically. In the game their will also be returning weapons like the pistol, the shotty, and the crosbow. I am wondering what kinds of other new weapons they might have.
Another thing the team mentioned is that they have added sort of side missions to the game. The first game was very linear, but in this one they wanted to make it a little more interesting because a player is able to choose weather he wants to do a side mission or not. I think this is cool and what I am hoping for is a dilemma for the player. I hope that If you choose to just go forward you wont have the potential for more danger but you will also miss out on rewards. They mentioned that doing the side quests can really benefit you to get more supplies and more crafting equipment. I want to see some good side missions.
Lastly they talked about crafting and how that will be bigger in this game. They want the players to really think about what they are crafting. Is it better to make pistol ammo or shotgun ammo?
Style and Monsters
One thing I loved so much about the first game was the beautiful art style of the game. The monsters in the game were so creative and interesting. All of them looked disturbing but they stayed with you. One of the main things I wanted to see in this game was the return of the crazy monster designs. I was hoping that they made all new ones and they did not disappoint. In the trailer we get a glimpse of so many new creatures. The reason why the monsters in the first are so good is because they are not just grotesque for the sake of getting a reaction, they are a part of the story because they are manifestations of peoples experiences and feelings. I think that is what makes the designs so good. hearing that they are focusing on story a bit more makes me think that the moments of horror in the game are going to be amazing.
This game looks like its gona be even better than the first. that is one of the great things about video games, the sequels are 9 times out of 10 better than the first games. Seeing the trailer and gameplay reveal has me itching to play the game. I hope that you guys enjoyed my information roundup as well as my thoughts. thanks for reading and you can follow me at
Steemit: @tga1108
YouTube: The Gaming Archive
Twitter: @TGA1108
I have never played this game but it looks cool.
oh yeah the first one is awesome! it does have a little bit of issues the I love it
Looks amazing! I've been excited for this one for a while :)
mee to!
Now this is how you do a preview for a game!
Great job mate!
Would you mind if I included it in todays "best of gaming" post? :)
Thank you! and definitely I would really appreciate it.
The first game was werry good i need too play this one 😉
yeah the first one surprised me so much with how good it was.