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RE: The King of Street Fighters

in #gaming8 years ago

First of all I am not the voice of the people so I could not tell you. I was just saying what I think is the reason, and judging by your defensive response i would say that, that does seem like it is a reason why people dont like the game. Mvc 3 at least had a style, a comic book type look. you could take what you said and apply it to that game. Some people really like that games art style. I personally prefer the mvc 2 style.

For ME personally I think the game looks ugly aesthetically. The character models have really bad faces and they look oddly proportioned. The graphics look very simple. A lot of the marvel characters have had a lot of different designs over the years since they have been in so many forms of media, but I think that some of these designs are some of the worst. Cap for example has a terrible face and his costume just looks ugly.

Second the story looks extremely blaze. the trailer they showed at e3 seemed so uninspired. the games sotry looks like more of a cash grab that something that really needed to exist. the story seems forced, it looks like its just trying to capitalize on the marvel popularity.

Now I have not played the game so it could be amazing mechanically but for ME personally it looks bad based on what I have seen. It has given a bad first impression.

Lastly people can dislike something without wanting to feel left out. saying that is as ignorant as saying that everyone is liking something just so that they dont feel left out. Some people are like this, but to say that everyone is doing that is ridiculous. Take me for example I have legitimate reasons why I think the games looks kinda ugly, I could not give 2 shits about what other people think. I wont buy this game day one and people that bitch and do ad hypocrites.