If you want slightly more info, check out this post: https://steemit.com/gaming/@the-dagda/dwarf-fortress-enlisting-dwarfs-for-a-whole-new-world-of-fun
I'd also recommend just googling Dwarf Fortress or, better yet, go to Bay 12 Games and download, for free, one of the greatest games ever created.
I may just do that. Your screenshots reminded me of gaming on my monochrome IBM AT from 1984. It was a hand-me-down that had no graphics at all, only ASCII. There was a decent version of ASCII centipede on there, though. And Zork, of course.
It's funny to think how far technology has progressed since the 80's and people are still making and playing ASCII games.
I think sometimes the development of fun gets lost in the pursuit of golly-gee-crazy-realistic graphics. Probably why the indie game scene is doing pretty well these days. Topic for another post, I guess...