Moira has finally released and everyone and their mother is wanting to get in on the action. However, it seems the best way to actually get to play her is by jumping into the returning No Limits mode.
Here is a video of me trying to play Moira for the first time and giving some thoughts on her.
She's a bit of a weird hybrid between heroes. Moira plays like a mixture of Mei with her healing spray, Symmetra with her draining bream that locks onto people, Reaper/Sombra with her version of a very quick wraith form, and Goku from Dragonball/Z because she literally has a Kamehameha blast as her ultimate.
I think I love her.
I know its been some time since she was release but i love playing her.
Ahh I cant wait to play as her, just waiting on my update :)
I'm having a great time with her. When I finally started to understand how she worked, I did so much better.
Yeah Ive just finished playing her, I agree, first couple of games a little so so, after that, smashing it, superb character, Blizzard did a good job with her :D
How are you finding her? I play Zenyatta a lot and found her very similar.
I like her a lot. I'd say that the Zenyatta comparison is pretty close but she's got an actual movement ability. I need to put more time into her but I'm noticing that my damage output and healing output are fairly close to each other. She's pretty strong.