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RE: STEAM Games For Crypto/STEEM - Weekly List (2018 Sep 06)

in #gaming7 years ago

Yay :^D
Anyways I was thinking of a link that would directly go there or like an active counter that displays how much 1 SBD/Steem is worth to a USD. Anywho, I was throwing that rotation idea so the list won't get big and you can keep it sizeable - but 'tis good yer considering it now, here here to yer final decision on that manner. Anyways, glad I got the "rule of 4" into yer mind now. Regardless, I will be awaiting for you to see my other §s whence you can!
Flyin' by!.gif


Yeah, for now it's all ideas worth testing, what do you think about my today's post? Not the best but better explains the Humble Monthly thing. Linking to it, will make my post shorter.

And yeah, lets make the rule of 4 alive again!!

Gonna read the post rn and give my thoughts there. Thanks for lettin' me know ahead of time!