Far Cry 6 has been announced and will star Giancarlo Esposito, the main villain from Breaking Bad. Giancarlo was one of the best parts of Breaking Bad, so I am really excited to see him in Far Cry 6.
There isn't a lot known about Far Cry 6 outside of the main villain and the fact it will be released in February 2021. There is however one thing we do know that is kind of disappointing, 4K support will only be on the Xbox and not on the PlayStation. As a PlayStation owner, this really sucks, but I will be getting it on PC so it doesn't affect me, it is just disappointing.
Since a lot of Far Cry 6 isn't really known, I want to tell you why Far Cry is such a great series.
I didn't play Far Cry 1 or 2, they were too old for me to really get into it, so I started with Far Cry 3. Far Cry is a massive open-world game with an amazing unique story in each release. Far Cry games involve a lot of animals as you are forced to hunt to upgrade your gear like ammo pouches and quivers.
While animals are not a big deal in most games, in Far Cry they can be brutal. It is very easy to be taken by surprise when attacking an enemy camp only to have a tiger hit you from behind.
Far Cry has tons of weapons allowing you to choose your playstyle and loadout. Most will always carry a bow for when hunting animals and taking out outposts in stealth. I tend to prefer a mix of silenced weaponry and tactical ARs. Most games I tend to focus on no-kill stealth gameplay but Far Cry is just much more with some gunplay.
One unique feature of Far Cry is being able to call in support to take out hard targets. I don't typically use this feature, but it is fun to call in reinforcements and have them assist you in taking over a busy outpost.
Far Cry has fantastic villains that are flamboyant and intense. I'd even go so far to say Far Cry has some of the best villains in gaming.
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 5
Each of these has a deep story behind them and you are forced to make game-changing decisions throughout the game.
Far Cry is loaded with vehicles you can drive around the huge landscape, often while taking fire.
If you haven't tried Far Cry, you can likely get Far Cry 3 cheap on your favorite platform and give it a go. It will likely take you by surprise at how good it is, especially the story and atmosphere.
Really excited to see Giancarlo Esposito in Far Cry 6 and the epic story they put him in.
If you haven't seen the trailer for Far Cry 6, check it out and see why it is so damn epic.

I remember when "Will it run Far Cry?" was the question asked of gaming PCs. The first game was a big deal when it launched. Like Halo, it feels dated by modern standards, and of course the graphics are less than stellar now, but it was pretty amazing for it's time. Far Cry 2 was completely different, and added a lot of RPG-lite elements with social status against various factions and an open world. It holds up better, but I never got into it.
I've played from Far Cry 1 and I'm currently playing number 4. There is a certain sameness with 4 to 3 and the plots always feel too 'bro' in a cringy way to me.
I really did like the first two, but with these latter ones, it just got really arcade like. Too many collectibles to unlock things, one of my post peeves with modern game designs.
They still are a bit of fun, but I wouldn't hold them up as great pieces of gaming. I pick them up when they are really cheap (FC4 was recently 8 euros)... I did really get into the Blood Dragon expansion though!
The first two were great! The third was refreshing and interesting at the tame. All that comes after that - the same shit in a different bag.
Exactly... that was my impressions as well. Still it is fun for a bit of light gaming... no deep thought required, just the fun of playing!
He is good in Mandalorian
You SHOULD play Far Cry ONE!!!^^
The second part, i played mostly, becouse i call it: That is Afrika. :-)
Man I simply cannot wait! The Far Cry Franchise never fails to keep me entertained!
Far Cry has always had a special place in my heart. I've been playing them since the first one. And love the open landscape of the game. Honestly I did not play the recent ones but 1,2,3 and maybe 4 I played and loved the gameplay.
Fuck off, yall have already threatened to downvote people that vote for him. Asking nicely wont help you now.
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