Now we making some progress! We got a builder, lumberjack, miner, and now fisher in our little village. Need to get some more string to make a fishing rod for the villager.
We are getting a bit more understanding of the Minecolonies mod, really enjoy messing with it. Our goal is to play some more tonight and get Episode 3 out. Hopefully see the miner actually do some mining now, get some food from the fisher, and upgrade the builder to level 2. Need to work on building the town hall and clearing some more land.
Would be cool if the mod was Steemit themed -- maybe RM could do something like that? Steemit themed/skinned world for Minecraft.
Definitely my favorite mod =D
We enjoying it. Hey while you are here, is there any way to have them move buildings when we want to re-organize the town.
For now not, at least not without being in creative. But we plan on players being able to let the builder move a building.