Magic Dice Hits Big Today!

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Those who have been playing Magic Dice have been gaining Magic Tokens (soon to be an SMT, hopefully) while they play, regardless if they win or lose.

Since Magic Dice first started in December 2018 but only started to pay out dividends on February 7th. Each day you get a dividend payout based on how many Magic tokens you earned. Users were earning tokens the entire time although they didn't know it.

For the last month 57,394 Steem has been distributed via dividends but in the last 24 hours 11,283 Steem* is about to be distributed. That's almost 20% of a months volume in a single day!

Typically I find dividends are around 0.85 Steem - 1.30 Steem per 1M Magic Tokens. Today we are looking at 10 Steem per 1M Magic Tokens.

Where is all this volume coming from?

I typically do a large portion of the volume on a daily basis. In the past @powerguy was a majority fo the volume before the dividends started to get distributed. Today?

kingdice1415723.7810 Steem
steem-nice41992.7190 Steem
walktoheaven18603.7500 Steem
crypto-miner16098.2910 Steem
gunam13439.7740 Steem
bekirsolak12442.0750 Steem
apone10148.4790 Steem

That's a lot of volume for only 7 people. Approximately 1,528,449 Steem wagered between just 7 users.

I've been pretty discouraged about Magic Dice lately as the dividends had built up a lot of momentum before "the outage" and never have been the same since. They are slowly getting better then BAM today shatters the entire month.

Pretty impressive. If some of the people who were playing before dividends were turned on kept playing, we would have some serious dividend distribution on a daily basis.

It seems to be slowing down now, so I don't think we will see 15,000 Steem in the next 1hr 42 minutes.


Have you been watching moonsteem?
I'd sure like to know if investing beats powering up, or at least stays ahead of inflation.

I have a bit invested in MoonSteem, I also tried it as betting. Not doing so well, the two guys running it seem pretty chill though. Will likely keep invested for a while and see how it goes down the road.

I'll be glad when the admin delay limits are raised.
This account is up some playing on early free tokens, but I'm having connection issues.
Ie11 opens ms, but not sc.
Edge won't open ms.
Moonsteem works erratically on my too weak wifi, smdh.
Just when i find a game i can win at,...
Born to lose!

Have you tried Brave?

Not yet, but maybe soon.
I share time on a desktop and my buddy is a Microsoft luddite.
I'd like to use keychain to avoid repeats of that popup.

I still don't understand why you were getting the popup, it is very unsettling.

Oh, because when i copied a link it didnt take, and when i pasted, it was my old active key instead of the link.
I didn't find it until somebody pointed out the broken link.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

So is there anything we have to do to get dividend? I play quite a bit myself

Posted using Partiko Android

Go there, and in 18 minutes (and every day at around this time) you can withdraw the dividends.

Thanks for this post...I had no idea I had 50+ STEEM in unclaimed dividends!


 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

WOAH, 50+? Thats amazing.

Look at the this Power !!!

found Magic Dice today.. first time user
are You the founder of that site? impressive system
going to try a few bets and maybe tomorrow again, it takes a bit of trust to connect your money trough a 3rth party connect + get a feel of the site

No, only a regular player.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

is there any criteria requested to play? or any one can ?

Anyone can play, but it is gambling so you have a good chance to lose money.

It would be nice to see @kingdice’s bookkeeping lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

I noticed an hour ago I had an 'expected payout' that was 20% of my 'all-time' dividends - it was what I was hoping for! We only need one whale to start gambling pretty seriously and we'll gain back all our 'investment' in this game :-)

If we get people from other chains as well, could be some serious boosts for Magic Dice but also Steem.

Yes! We just need to educate especially those from 'outside' about powering op STEEM - kingdice for example is quite low on RC and we don't want him to stop playing :')

God is this guy going to go through everyone of your comments with a bot?

No, with 100 bots.

5 bucks this comment gets flagged to lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's an easy bet.

Jesus Christ he already did it lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment
 6 years ago  Reveal Comment
 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

My problem with this is that people are playing atm to get some of the MAGIC tokens, but what happens when all the magic tokens are distributed? People will probably stop playing, this will decrease the dividends greatly since the volume will decrease...

I don't know if this is what is going to happen, I might be mistaken ofc, since I don't have much STEEM to gamble it doesn't really matter to me.

Where do you see the game going in the future?

With the halfing, it will take a long time before they are all distributed (years), and there is talk about burning them to gamble with.

Regardless, even without tokens, many will play for gambling.

They are adding additional games (not sure what types as they haven't been announced yet). That will drive more activity.

Hmmm... well, maybe it is something to think about, TronBET and EOSbet have lots and lots of volume daily, and STEEM is one of the most active blockchains around it only makes sense for activity to increase not only on the blockchain but on the dapps...

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all the latest news on the Steem blockchain.

how do i play