Great post! Video-games helped me a lot growing up - as I could be whoever I want.
Now since I'm very much grown up, I still game a bit here and there; but I often feel the need to have something which makes it worth gaming (otherwise it's just a waste of time - besides the fun-part of course).
Currently, the only way to earn money with gaming is 1.) either by being extremely good and streaming that (which I don't have enough time for) or 2.) being a very good entertainer. (which I am not .. yet :P )
So - I would love to have a way to earn while gaming. Maybe even with an SMT?
oh and by the way - in what phase is your game currently? Would be interested in testing it out when it's ready!
Hi @therealwolf, thanks for commenting - we were very much the same, we've always been avid gamers and I think there's definitely something to be said about how it can help us as we grow up. We can also definitely relate to your points on earning money with gaming.
We're currently in development stage and have previously run a pre-alpha with some further stages coming up.
If you're interested in learning more or participating in any chances to play, I would suggest joining our discord or by signing up for our newsletter (all links are at the end of the article) - as we'll be announcing some exciting news soon! (that's all I can say for now!)