[SteemGC] Sniper Fury - Game on Steam ( Billingual ) #14

in #gaming7 years ago


When  after you download these games and you just open the games and when I  was not and immediately entered into this game and when it immediately  get a command that is "I hear you're the kind of sniper who's willing to  get your hands dirty . My organization could use someone like you. Think you got what it takes? On an intel lead we sent some agents to an abandoneb airfield in Murmansk, Russia they've been radio silent for 24 hours !!! Help us deal with and we'll talk "and that is where after I read a  command and I go directly to the tutorial first and I immediately press"  Start ".

And  after I hit the "start" menu and go straight into this "sniper fury"  game where we get the first mission "Target Practice Sniper | A  lokkout is preventing us from infiltrating the airfield let's see what  you got "and after I read my first mission in this game and while  already in the mission I get the command again" You can rool the mouse  wheel to improve your accuracy " where to be able to shift our weapons towards the enemy can be by  shifting our mouse to be able to find and see the existence of the  enemy.

And  after that I follow the directions I got to the first one and when I  saw the existence of my first enemy and immediately I get the command  again that is "center the crosshairs on the target" and I just direct my  weapon to the enemy that has been I  see and immediately I just shoot the enemy who is under and he is  standing and not see me being on top of him and when I shoot my enemy is  directed to "Left - click to fire. Now take him down !!! "And the enemy immediately dies and I finish my first mission in this game.

And after I finish my first mission and at the end of my first mission  game here I immediately get the "Victory" which where I can see some of  my items and details of the perperangan earlier:

1.Mission Reward: 100

2.Headshots: 10

3. Total: 110

4. Xp: 80 XP

After  I saw some details of the details that I got when completing my first  mission I immediately press "Continue" to continue the next mission  which has been provided in this game.

And  already in the main menu again I immediately get the latest command  again is "Not bad, you'll find the next assignment in your sniper file,  time to take down another targer" and I immediately press "start" again  to get into the mission the second is the mission "Moving Target Sniper | our agent has infiltrated the airfield but an enemy soldier is patrolling near his location, get rid of him ".

And  after I read the second mission and I just search for the enemy's  existence and when I first saw and I immediately used the gun binoculars  and tenyata right it is the enemy that is the first target that I seek  and and I immediately issued a bullet my weapon and I immediately fit my  weapon to the enemy's target and the bullet I directly broke into his  head and it happened that his name was "headshot" and after I finished  my target shot that was running and my second mission was over and I see  again the details :

1.Mission Reward: 110

2.Headshots: 10

3. Total 120

4. XP: 90 Xp

And I just hit the button "Continue" to continue the next mission.

I  went straight back to the main menu on this "Sniper Fury" game and at  that time I immediately read a command again that is "good stuff, but  your weapon needs a little more kick, let's go to the armory and upgrade  it" where I was directed to upgrade all weapons equipment that I have and I just  press the menu "upgrade" is to see the weapons equipment is on the  menu.

After  I pressed the "Upgrade" menu I entered in the menu and it turns out I  was directed to upgrade the weapon named "Cato Skylark" where this  weapon is a weapon that I always use to shoot enemies and this senajata  is a sniper weapon in where  the power of this weapon is still "level 1" and after that time have  seen the sniper weapon that I have to upgrade and I have read the  command and the contents of the command is "you've go to boost your  weapon's damage. The  cost is on use - consider it an advance "and I immediately upgraded the  weapon and the weapon was upgraded, when I upgrade I get the command  and the contents of the command is" Let's get back to the mission brief  "and I directly directed to return to the start menu of this game.

And  when it is back to the main menu I immediately get the command again  and I have read the command and the contents of the command is "Our  agent just uploaded a data dump from inside one of the hangars, this  airfield is being used as an illegal arms market, we're  working on tracking who's behind this, but in the meantime .. let's  start taking these guys out of business "and I'm directed to continue  the third mission and I just hit the" start "menu to get into the game mission third.

As  soon as I hit the "start" menu and was already in the game I  immediately got the third mission that is "hard landing Sniper | Satellite's  picked up a plane carrying a hot delivery on the airfield, took out the  LSO before he lands the plane "and when I was in a position that I  found safe and invisible to anyone I got a notification" There's an easy  way to locate targets! !! "And  I immediately looked for the target enemy and when I was looking for  and I immediately get the target enemy and just took out my sniper  weapon and I immediately fill the bullet in my sniper and I immediately  shot it towards the head and die. And I also meliaht again details his details are:

1. Mission Reward: 120

2. HeadShots: 10

3. Total: 130

4. XP: 100 XP

And  after finishing the third mission mission I immediately went back to  the start menu on this game and when it's in the initial menu I get the  command I've read before that is "Liking what I see so far, got some  more assignments If you're up for it "where we have an open mission" Assault "in which this mission I do not know what the mission is. And after that I am in the right direction to press the "assault"  mission menu and when I open the mission I get the latest command is  "you'll need an assault rifle for this next mission, let's head to the  armory".

And  it turns out I was directed to buy a new weapon again to become a  member of the war who does not use sniper weapons anymore and the weapon  that must be purchased is "Cato SM - 07" which is a very good weapon  and his damage is very strong and the accuracy of his bullet also  good for battle and after that I have read the contents of this command  is "This one's on us, consider it a long-term investment" and I just  bought the weapon and I went straight back to the start menu and when it  was back in the start menu and when it is in the start menu I have read and see  the command is "time is critical and hostiles will be armed let's do  this" and I went straight into the game to continue the fourth mission.

And when I was in the game I immediately get a fourth mission that is "Takedown Assault | 3  hostiles are converging on your location, take 'em down "and we are  commanded to kill 3 hostiles using the assault weapon I bought earlier  and immediately I see the position of their direction and I have to find  it where they are hiding and I immediately know their position and I just shot the enemy and the 3  enemies immediately die in front of me and finished my mission here and I  immediately see the contents of the details of the details are:

1. Mission Reward: 150

2. Headshots: 2 x 10

3. Total: 170

4. Xp: 80 Xp

After  I complete the first four missions in this game is "Sniper Fury - Games  On Steam" and I just finish the fourth mission and in this game I only  finish four missions because if I finish the mission it will not fit for  me to write in  my articles and blogs and so many of my stories while playing these  games and I made an article on my blog and to see my articles and blogs  for the next you can or you follow my account @thespecialone, and see  you and see you back in my next article !!!!!


Saat setelah kalian download games ini dan kalian langsung saja buka games tersebut dan saat sedang saya bukan dan langsung masuk ke dalam games ini dan saat itu langsung mendapatkan sebuah perintah yaitu “ I hear you’re the kind of sniper who’s willing to get their hands dirty. My organization could use someone like you. Think you got what it takes? On an intel lead we sent some agents to an abandoneb airfield in Murmansk, Russia they’ve been radio silent for 24 hours!!! Help us deal with and we’ll talk “ dan yang di mana setelah saya membaca sebuah perintah tersebut dan saya langsung menuju tutorial terlebih dahulu dan saya langsung menekan “ Start “.

Dan setelah saya menekan menu “ start “ dan langsung masuk ke dalam games “ sniper fury “ ini yang di mana kita mendapatkan mission pertama yaitu “ Target Practice Sniper | A lokkout is preventing us from infiltrating the airfield let’s see what you got “ dan setelah saya membaca mission pertama saya di games ini dan saat sudah di dalam mission tersebut saya mendapatkan lagi perintah “ You can rool the mouse wheel to improve your accuracy “ yang di mana untuk bisa menggeserkan senjata kita ke arah musuh bisa dengan cara menggeserkan mouse kita untuk bisa mencari dan melihat keberadaan musuh.

Dan setelah itu saya mengikuti arahan yang ada saya dapatkan pada yang pertama tadi dan saat sudah melihat keberadaan musuh pertama saya dan langsung saja saya mendapatkan lagi perintah yaitu “ center the crosshairs on the target “ dan langsung saja saya arahkan senjata saya ke musuh tadi yang sudah saya lihat dan langsung saya tembak saja musuh tersebut yang sedang berada di bawah dan dia sedang berdiri dan tidak melihat saya sedang berada di atas dia dan saat saya tembak musuh saya di arahkan untuk “ Left – click to fire. Now take him down!!! “dan musuh tersebut langsung mati dan saya menyelesaikan mission pertama saya di games ini.

Dan setelah saya menyelesaikan mission pertama saya dan di akhir pertandingan mission pertama saya di sini saya langsung mendapatkan “ Victory “ yang di mana saya bisa melihat beberapa item dan details perperangan saya tadi yaitu :

1.Mission Reward : 100

2.Headshots : 10

3.Total  : 110

4.Xp : 80 XP

Setelah saya melihat beberapa keterangan details yang sudah saya dapatkan saat menyelesaikan mission pertama saya tadi saya langsung menekan “ Continue “ untuk melanjutkan mission selanjutnya yang di mana sudah di sediakan pada games ini.

Dan sudah berada di menu utama lagi saya langsung mendapatkan perintah terbaru lagi yaitu “ Not bad, you’ll find the next assignment in your sniper file , time to take down another targer “ dan saya langsung menekan “ start “ lagi untuk masuk ke mission yang ke dua yaitu mission “ Moving Target Sniper | our agent has infiltrated the airfield but an enemy soldier is patrolling near his location , get rid of him “.

Dan setelah saya membaca mission kedua tersebut dan saya langsung saja mencari keberadaan musuh dan saat baru pertama saya melihat dan saya langsung menggunakan teropong senjata dan tenyata benar itu adalah musuh yang target pertama yang saya incar dan dan saya langsung mengeluarkan peluru senjata saya dan saya langsung pas kan senjata saya ke arah target musuh tersebut dan peluru saya langsug tembus ke arah kepala nya dan terjadi lah yang nama nya “ headshot “  dan setelah selesai saya menembak target saya yang sedang berjalan dan mission kedua saya sudah selesai dan saya melihat lagi keterangan details nya yaitu :

1.Mission Reward : 110

2.Headshots : 10

3.Total 120

4.XP : 90 Xp

Dan saya langsung saja menekan tombol keterangan “ Continue “ untuk melanjutkan mission yang selanjutnya.

Saya langsung kembali lagi ke dalam menu utama pada games “ Sniper Fury “ ini dan saat itu saya langsung membaca sebuah perintah lagi yaitu “ good stuff ,  but your weapon needs a little more kick , let’s go to the armory and upgrade it “ yang di mana saya di arahkan untuk upgrade semua peralatan senjata yang saya punya dan langsung saja saya menekan menu “ upgrade “ tersebut untuk melihat peralatan senjata ada pada menu tersebut.

Setelah saya menekan menu “ Upgrade “ saya sudah masuk di dalam menu tersebut dan ternyata saya di arahkan untuk upgrade senjata yang bernama “ Cato Skylark “ yang di mana senjata ini adalah senjata yang saya selalu gunakan untuk menembak musuh dan senajata ini adalah senjata sniper yang di mana kekuatan senjata ini masih “ level 1 “ dan setelah itu saat sudah melihat senjata sniper yang harus saya upgrade dan saya sudah membaca perintah tersebut dan isi perintah tersebut adalah “ you’ve go to boost your weapon’s damage. The cost is on use – consider it an advance “ dan langsung saja saya upgrade senjata tersebut dan senjata tersebut sudah saya upgrade , saat sudah saya upgrade saya mendapatkan lagi perintah dan isi perintah tersebut yaitu “ Let’s get back to the mission brief “ dan saya langsung di arahkan untuk kembali lagi ke menu awal games ini.

Dan saat sudah berada kembali ke menu utama saya langsung mendapatkan perintah lagi dan sudah saya baca perintah tersebut dan isi perintah tersebut adalah “ Our agent just uploaded a data dump from inside one of the hangars , this airfield is being used as an illegal arms market , we’re working on tracking who’s behind this , but in the meantime.. let’s start taking these guys out of business “ dan saya langsung di arahkan untuk melanjutkan mission yang ke tiga dan langsung saja saya menekan menu “ start “ untuk masuk ke dalam permainan mission yang ketiga.

Saat setelah saya menekan menu “ start “ dan sudah berada di dalam permainan tersebut saya langsung mendapatkan mission yang ketiga yaitu “ hard landing Sniper | Satellite’s picked up a plane carrying a hot delivery towards the airfield, take out the LSO before he lands the plane “  dan saat sudah berada di posisi yang menurut saya aman dan tidak terlihat siapa pun  saya mendapatkan pemberitahuan “ There’s an easier way to locate targets!!! “ dan saya langsung mencari target musuh tersebut dan saat sudah saya mencari dan saya langsung mendapatkan target musuh tersebut dan langsung saja mengeluarkan senjata sniper saya dan saya langsung mengisi peluru pada sniper saya dan saya langsung menembak nya ke arah bagian kepala nya dan langsung mati. Dan saya juga meliaht lagi keterangan details nya yaitu :

1.Mission Reward : 120

2.HeadShots : 10

3.Total : 130

4.XP : 100 XP

Dan setelah selesai mission yang ketiga pada mission tadi saya langsung kembali lagi ke menu awal pada games ini dan saat sudah di menu awal saya mendapatkan perintah yang sudah saya baca sebelumnya yaitu “ Liking what I see so far, got some more assignments If you’re up for it “ yang di mana kita sudah terbuka mission “ Assault “ yang di mana mission ini saya belum mengetahui apa isi mission tersebut. Dan setelah itu saya di arah kan untuk menekan menu mission “ assault “ tersebut dan saat sudah saya membuka mission tersebut saya mendapatkan perintah terbaru yaitu “ you’ll need an assault rifle for this next mission , let’s head to the armory “ .

Dan ternyata saya di arahkan untuk membeli senjata baru lagi untuk menjadi sebuah anggota perang yang tidak menggunakan senjata sniper lagi dan senjata yang harus di beli yaitu “ Cato SM – 07 “ yang di mana senjata ini sangat bagus dan damage nya sangat kuat serta akurasi peluru nya juga bagus untuk berperang dan saat setelah itu saya sudah membaca isi perintah tersebut yaitu “ This one’s on us, consider it a long – term investment “ dan langsung saja saya membeli senjata tersebut dan saya langsung kembali lagi ke menu awal dan saat sudah berada kembali di menu awal dan saat sudah berada di menu awal saya sudah membaca dan melihat perintah tersebut yaitu “ time is critical and hostiles will be armed let’s do this “ dan saya langsung masuk ke dalam permainan tersebut untuk melanjutkan mission yang ke empat.

Dan saat sudah berada di dalam permainan saya langsung mendapatkan sebuah mission yang keempat yaitu “ Takedown Assault | 3 hostiles are converging on your location , take ‘em down “ dan kita di perintah kan untuk membunuh 3 hostiles dengan menggunakan senjata assault yang sudah saya beli tadi dan langsung saja saya melihat posisi arah mereka dan saya harus mencari nya di mana mereka bersembunyi dan saya langsung mengetahui posisi mereka dan langsung saja saya tembak musuh tersebut dan 3 musuh tersebut langsung mati di hadapan saya dan selesai lah mission saya di sini dan saya langsung melihat isi keterangan details tersebut yaitu :

1.Mission Reward : 150

2.Headshots : 2 x 10

3.Total : 170

4.Xp : 80 Xp

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

  1. [ Game technology ] who wins between playstation 1 vs playstation 2? [ENG - IND ] #1
  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
  3. [ Game technology ] Choose which one of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One X are the champions? ( Billingual ) #3
  5. [SteemGC] TOP 10 GAMES FREE ON ANDROID ( Billingual )
  6. [ Game review with computer ] Crash Time II - introductions to these games and tutorial games ( Billingual )
  7. [SteemGC] Tank Force - Fight Tank 5 VS 5 On " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #1
  8. [SteemGC] Tactical Monster Rumble Arena - Tutorial First Game Fight On " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #2
  9. [SteemGC] TOP 4 GAMES MOBA ( Multiplayer Online Battle Arena ) For Android and IOS ( Billingual ) #3
  10. [SteemGC] Warface - Mission Training Soldier on " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #4
  11. [SteemGC] Hellrider 2 - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #5
  12. [SteemGC] Hockey Nations 18 - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #6
  13. [SteemGC] Asphalt Racing Storm - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #7
  14. [SteemGC] One Piece - Pirate Warriors " Computer or Laptops "( Billingual ) #8
  15. [SteemGC] Snowboard Party World Tour / Party 2 - First Tutorial " NOX Application " ( Billingual ) #9
  16. [SteemGC] Metal Gear Solid V - Mission Ground Zeroes ( Billingual ) #10
  17. [SteemGC] Metal Gear Solid V - Mission Complete ( Billingual ) #11
  18. [SteemGC] Metal Gear Solid V - Mission BigBoss!!!( Billingual ) #12
  19. [SteemGC] Grid AutoSport - Game Race Mobile ( Billingual ) #13

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " :

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's " ( Billingual ) #2
  3. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ( Billingual ) #3

Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :

  1. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - The first introduction to this game ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - Has completed the first mission ( Billingual ) #2

Setelah saya menyelesaikan empat mission yang pertama pada games ini yaitu “ Sniper Fury – Games On Steam “ dan saya hanya menyelesaikan mission yang keempat dan di pada games ini saya hanya menyelesaikan empat mission saja karena jika saya menyelesaikan mission itu semua tidak lah muat untuk saya nulis di artikel dan blog saya ini dan sekian dari cerita saya saat memainkan games ini dan saya buat menjadi sebuah artikel di blog saya ini dan untuk melihat artikel dan blog saya untuk selanjutnya bisa anda atau kalian follow akun saya @thespecialone , dan sampai ketemu dan sampai berjumpa kembali di artikel saya selanjutnya!!!!!

Hai , steemians semua nya semoga di hari yang cerah ini kalian di beri kesehatan dan di beri keberkahan yang berlimpah yang di mana di sini kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana saat ini saya akan membahas games yang ada di sebuah aplikasi “ STEAM “ yang di mana pada aplikasi tersebut banyak sekali games – games yang bagus dan ada games yang berbayar yang di mana di aplikasi ini tidak menggunakan crack dan lebih menjamin computer dan laptop kalian dari virus yang berbahaya dan di sini games yang akan saya bahas yaitu games “ Sniper Fury “ yang di mana games ini sangat menarik untuk kalian coba dan games ini menceritakan tentang tentara yang ini menjadi sebagai penembak sniper yang super – super ganas dan mantap dia bisa menembak musuh dari jarak kejauhan dan peluru nya itu sangat gila dan bisa menembus otak manusia , dan jika kalian penasaran seperti apa games ini langsung saja saya bahas games ini untuk mempersingkat waktu dan penulisan saya di blog ini!!!!

Hi,  steemians all of it I hope in this sunny day you are given health and  given an abundant blessing which is here back again with me  @thespecialone which is where I will now discuss the games that exist in  an application "STEAM" which where  in the application a lot of games - games are good and there are games  that are paid where the application does not use crack and more  guarantee your computer and laptop from dangerous viruses and here the  games that I will discuss the games "Sniper Fury "Which  is where the game is very interesting for you to try and this game  tells about this soldier being a sniper sniper super - super ferocious  and steady he can shoot enemies from a distance and his bullet is very  crazy and can penetrate the human brain, and if you are curious as to what this game directly I discuss this game to shorten the time and my writing on this blog !!!!


di kota langsa tinggal ya bos ?engga mati lampu lagi ya hari ini @thespecialone

mohon maaf ya sebelumnya , bisakah anda berbicara dengan sopan dan berbicara anda terlalu sensi? dan kenapa anda dengan saya? apakah anda tidak senang dengan saya? dan saya tidak tinggal di daerah kota langsa , dan anda kenapa ya? tidak senang dengan saya post tentang games? @teguhrianto