Alright, so Jeremy is a cool guy, so don't get me wrong, and I do enjoy his work, but he is definitely part of the overall problem with the way Wizards of the Coast is currently running their operation, and I'll explain why.
Things that Jeremy has been complaining about, and things that have happened to Jeremy by Wizards recently for the following complaints:
- Pedophiles being allowed to judge sanctioned events.
- The card quality of their latest products are absolutely terrible.
- All the latest Magic Masters sets have complete dumpster fire card values.
- Pedophiles being allowed to operate official Magic the Gathering establishments.
- Wizards actively banning anyone that disagrees with them politically, solely based off their personal social media interactions.
- Jeremy's own lifetime ban from the game he has played, and loved for so long, for pointing out all of these things listed above and much more.
Now, with all that being said, here's why I believe Jeremy is part of the overall problem, and why he could easily be classified as a hypocrite.
If you listen to what he says here, in one of his latest videos, he openly admits to purchasing 10 cases of Masters 25, which is one of Wizards most coveted and expensive sets.
You see what he did here, he gave Wizards his hard-earned money, and not just a little either, he totally handed over some whale status cheddar to them bums.
So you see, this is why Jeremy is part of the problem, because why would Wizards ever change their shitty ways, if public enemy number one himself is still supporting their business?
This makes no sense at all, and I know damn well that Jeremy is smart enough to know what he's doing too, but sadly... the man is addicted to the spotlight.
He knows if he stops supporting Wizards, that his channel will probably be cut in half, or maybe worse.
Jeremy unfortunately is suffering from a severe case of Stockholm syndrome as it pertains to Wizards, because although Wizards treats him worse than a red headed step child, Jeremy still supports and defends his kidnappers blatant abuse and injustices to the world, by still buying products from this piece of shit company.
Now, if you still love Magic the Gathering of old, from a time before they all became devout social justice warriors, you can still play and enjoy the game without lining Wizards pockets in the process.
Buy singles, or play with old sets, because none if these things generate any new profits for the crew over at Wizards of the Coast.
Oh, and don't get me wrong, I do understand that Jeremy is trying to change the way business is done, by trying to change them from the inside, but let's face it... businesses only change when you start messing with their profits.
With that being said, the only way Wizards of the Coast is ever going to change, is if you stop purchasing their shitty cardboard... and that's a fucking fact!
Man, you really have it in for these Wizards. Are you playing these or are you involved in other aspects of gaming? Just curious
I was caught in the downward spiral of overall quality with the game, so I saw it before it was shit, and watched it as it descended into complete garbage... which was and still is sad for me really.
What have you taken up instead to fill the void? Any recommendations?
A game that @darkdrake recommended actually called Nova Blitz is what I'm going to start playing, but there are plenty of alternatives out there as well if you enjoy the actual cardboard aspect.
I just googled it, a digital card game on the blockchain on the Steam platform which you could blog about on Steemit.
We really live in the future!
I totally might, and I think it'll be fun!
I checked their website, they are hiring – 14 job openings. May be a while before they go to shit.
Ha ha, did you happen to notice what they were... investigators.
i don't even play magic but if all of those points are true they should just burn lol.
Oh, they are true alright, and so sad really... if they just focused on being a card game they'd still be on top!
they will problaby be overtaken soon especially with the blockchain tech incorported in online games ^^
Even if it takes awhile, I can wait... because complete ownership of digital products has me so fucking hyped!
exactly. card games. MMO's and tons of other stuff. it's just a question about time.
Really i would say you have got a high card fever man. Are you interested in playing them also or only maybe quite a bit collection fantasies only...
Both really, but I do believe Wizards is gearing up to just forget about their paper side, and is going to try and focus fully on the digital side from here on out.
Yeah nowadays card trend is almost over as digitilisation has almost taken over. Hope we see the card fever return. Moreover the wizards which once were rock and rolling. Paper side of worth the effort. I don't see digital side making that impact.
Bruh, digital is the future, and far more lucrative for companies though. Think about it, they are always in your living room, enticing you to buy just one more batch of gems for just $9.99 so you could open a few more packs... addiction at its finest.
Simply aww of course we have to start believing that digitalisation is the trend and there is no more looking back . And as you said they provide with so much addiction there is no looking back and yes being the gamers we do love it too... Moreover they generally keep updating so that we just don't have any reason of getting annoyed. So game on.
This game is classic and i dont think it will b going anywhere any time soon. I love artwork on the cards,
mtg is ultimate game designed. Number of possibilities and amount of creativity it allows is unmatched in game design..
Don't be too sure, because Hearthstone has been pulling from it for years now, so anything is possible.
Here r some things i feel bad abt Hearthstone
Balance in hearthstone is worse. Also it have smaller card pool. Not enough class specific cards where in magic we really feel we own the color(s) picked. I enjoy owining my collection rather than having a digital collection which swaps out and becomes largelly useless.
I even like some feat of Hearthstone
Low cost to have competitive deck. Free to play, so easier to get friends to play. Easy rules so more fun. Can play anywhere, no need to travel for tournament. No stucking to mana1, 2 crystals whole game seems nice.
Well magic is time consuming... Well i am bored from all this now... Going to quit
This is an issue in most card games truth be told, and you would think for a game that has been out as long as Hearthstone, that this wouldn't be an issue.
His content is so good, but you are so right about him being a hypocrite. The problems he describes do exist in the MTG community and WotC. He just seems like he is out to attack Wizards because they banned him for a dumb reason, and then continues to give them money. I feel bad for the guy but he isn't practicing what he is preaching.
Exactly, and I can't stand how he still supports Wizards... they don't deserve anyone's money at this point.
I think you got the nail on the head with the "Stockholm syndrome" comment too. It just must be devastating that he can't play a game that means so much to him, he basically based his life around it and now can't do anything. If he stops buying he is yielding his favorite game to politics and corporate approved thought police, if he continues he's a hypocrite. He has put himself in a catch 22. Magic has become so politicized I haven't played myself at a physical shop in months, I just buy/sell and play casual with friends. It sucks because my local physical shop is awesome, it's the game that has gone downhill. The reason commander got big in the last couple years is because the current sets and politics are abhorrent. I use to be real competitive, like going to pro tours and events. I have never seen anyone harass anyone or women treated like anything but unicorns. Every trans person was accepted and included (I live in trans central in north CA). I don't know where they get their data from, trans and women make up a ultra minority, like 1-2 in every shop I've been to that are regulars (tons more come on prereleases, I'll admit that). I would say maybe 1 in 10 (or less) women come to game stores by their own volition. They are always someone's girlfriend or wife. WotC's purge season is unfounded and uneeded. Of course there are toxic 2pro4U players that are assholes, but if they ever really acted like dicks they are kicked out of stores. I know a guy that was banned from a store for a month for just cussing around kids, and rightfully so. WotC is acting like people are being excluded or even sexually harassed... that's just not happening. Anecdotal evidence used from my experience anyway.
woww, really a very unlucky fact
@tolkatore ...this is probably one of the best story and name jeremy makes it more special...the lines sounds wise ,funny and good too :D"You see what he did here, he gave Wizards his hard-earned money, and not just a little either, he totally handed over some whale status cheddar to them bums".
Thank @tolkatore, through your post i knew unknown information about Jeremy. There are some problem here , but does't matter . Passing all obstacle will come success.
I just love Jeremy
The Gathering cosplayer quits over harassment, forcing Wizards to speak up Highlighting a much bigger toxicity problem
WTF, i stopped playing MAGIC earlyer.
But now i understand that this was the right way.
If the points are true.... It was real magic that made me stop playing/buying this....
i love this man