The power of the common.

in #gaming9 years ago

One of the most widely popular current trends everyone has been talking about has been about Pokemon Go. Its on the news, on facebook, twitter, and so on. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about. For those who don't; Pokemon Go is a social app game created by Niantic and Pokemon Company (Nintendo has very little to do with this app). There are several main goals in the game, one, you can try to catch all 151 Pokemons (currently). Two, beat up all the gyms with your Pokemons. Three just have fun adventuring around your city. Of course almost all players wishes to try to catch the rarest and strongest ones. We have our most common Pokemons such as pidgeys and ratatas and weedles who are most likely to be forgotten or even look down upon. As an active Pokemon Go player I too look down on these Pokemons. They're so weak, they are everywhere, and they fill up alot of slots (in which you can only have up to 250 Pokemons at any given time).

So what am I ranting about in this post? LEARN TO APPRECIATE YOUR PIDGEYS. To elaborate, i mean catch all those birds and bugs. They are free exp to help you advance through the game. Take for example, pidgey only requires 12 pidgey candies to evolve to pidgeotto. This is the lowest required amount of Pokemon candt you will need to evolve a Pokemon (weedle and caterpie are the other ones. Each time you evolve you gain 500 exp (or 1000 if you use the Lucky Egg item). That is alot. That is the most exp you can get at one time. Currently its the highest ( since just catching Pokemons only gets you 100-200 exp at a time). You might wonder why is it important to level up? I dont see the benefits? Well, leveling up simply does two immediate things: get free items from the game and catch stronger Pokemons. But many forgot that leveling up also raises the level cap on each Pokemons you can level it up on. NOW you might ask why do I want stronger Pokemons? That is because eventually you will hit the point in the game where becoming part of a Pokemon Gym is important to continue to advance further. Bottomline is, exp is important. More importantly, lots of exp is important. And the best and fastest way is by evolving. Especially evolving those common Pokemons who are basically everywhere!!!

Now that you have finished reading my post, go out and catch those birds and bugs! Or go download the game.