Why I continue to play Pokemon Go as a casual gamer.

in #gaming9 years ago

With many rants about whether or not people continue to play Pokemon Go, I'm on the fence about it. I understand the time consuming and agonizing need to catch all the Pokemons or simply to just hatch your Egg. To start off, I've been playing Pokemon Go for about 2 weeks now and currently stands at lvl 19 with 60 different types of Pokemons caught. Not very impressive, I know. I work 6 days a week, full time with Sundays off. I play Pokemon Go while I bus to work and after work. I spend maybe an average of 5-10 hours a week. Now you might ask me why I even bother to continue to play then? Mainly just for the fun of it. It gets me off my ass and out to the nearest park. It actually gives me an excuse to try to exercise and get out and socialize with friends or even other players. As I try to play the game as the creator intended (or so I assume). My goal in playing Pokemon Go currently is basically to "catch them all!!!". But my other goal is to compete with my friends and see can get a stronger Pokemon team. Yes it may sound or even be competitive, but competition keeps us progressing (Business 101).

Socialization is quite important in my opinion as it helps us connect with one another (kinda like what Steemit is doing right now). This communication back and forth with other people have an impact on how we grow as a society. Social games are just another output of communications whether you're aware of it or not. I do not think Pokemon Go is a completely bad or good game. I just enjoy it as it is. :) let me know in the comments what you all think of Pokemon Go!