NVIDIA Shield 2 Development Unit Purchased at Pawn Shop

in #gaming8 years ago

This is a funny story if not a cool one. The NVIDIA Shield 2 was apparently far enough along in development that not only were papers filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States (USA) but also far along enough for development units to have been made. At least one was made and could get out of the company and onto a pawn shop shelf where it was purchased recently by a keen-eyed gamer.

NVIDIA Shield 2 Development Unit.jpg

Earlier this year, NVIDIA filed papers with intent of creating the NVIDIA Shield 2. Unfortunately, that has not yet occurred, it could happen still though so never say never.

That has not stopped someone from within the company getting a development unit out and then selling it to a pawn shop in Canada. All it took was a keen-eyed gamer to see this unit for it to find a new home. According to the Reddit post, the member saw the unit and traded in his old NVIDIA Shield portable to help pay for the development unit. How cool is that?

NVIDIA Shield 2 Specs.jpg
Specs of the NVIDIA Shield 2 taken by the owner.

Anyone here have a prototype or development unit of a gaming console or device?


I should really check more pawn shops for gaming stuff. Nice find for this guy! :)

We have seen some wild things down here in Arkansas at pawn shops but nothing like this. This is a seriously cool find by that gamer.

@triverse Who do you think pawned the Shield 2?

I figure it was probably a developer involved with the creation of the unit because, as far as I know, there were no dev units sent out to developers. That means it had to be an NVIDIA employee.

Busted. Needed money. Pawned the unit. Embarrassment of a lifetime.

I figure this person will never come forward. It is just too big of an embarrassing situation.

If they did come forward I figure it would be a Fun with Dick and Jane series of events afterwards. 'We would love to hire you for our dev team but well, we would rather have a pic with the guy that pawned the Shield 2 Dev unit instead.'

You can say that again. I agree.