My problem with being a support, is that i’m too aggressive. I play Taric and Leona, and I don’t see why not go in. My job however, is not to initiate a fight, my job is too support.
I think it's because I see an opening, and I take it. I don’t take everything into account. I need to look at my ADC, see his/her health, and mana, if his/her ult is up. I need to have an idea where the jungler is. I need to have my jungle with as much vision as possible. I need have an idea of how much damage the enemy support, and adc will do, know what they build, take in account for their CC and healing potential. What I think is most important is communicating with my ADC.
If I don’t ping, if I don’t let my ADC know that I’m either going in, or looking for an opportunity to go in, how is he/she supposed to follow up? Especially since I solo in ranked with support. Half the time I Duo with my best bud since he’s an ADC main.
I played a lot of top lane when I started league so I still have some of the habits of a top laner, and that's something that needs to die asap.
Have a good one.