The Volcano Fragment is a Terrible excuse for a weapon.
But what is Surprising is the Number of people actually Defending it.
Today Im going to Explain Why the Volcano Fragment Sucks.
Defense 1: "Its good if you are out of ammo on your Primary and Secondary and you still want to catch people on fire."
How Often do you run out of Flamethrower and Secondary Ammo at the same time as Pyro? People Drop Medium Ammo Kits on Death Which Recovers 100 Ammo on All of Pyro's Flamethrowers, and I highly Doubt that you will Burn That much Flare gun ammo unless you are Spamming, Plus If you run out of Ammo on Everything, Literally Every other Melee(Except the Homewrecker) Is Better to use in a Melee Fight, Yes Even the Stock Fire Axe Which is Also Terrible.
Defense 2: "Its Good for Building up the Phlog's Hmmph! Meter"
I can See that, but Wait. If you are using a Flare gun isn't that better for building Hmmph? Plus You know what Builds Hmmph Faster, Does more Damage, and attacks at the Same range as the Volcano Fragment? The Phlog itself.
Finally if you are out of Phlog Ammo then why are you building Hmmph When you cant even use the Phlog? Are you going to Build it up then go back to Spawn to get ammo?
Finally Defense 3: "Its good in Medieval Mode"
I can Kinda See where you are coming from. But for Medieval The Back Scratcher is Better in Every Single Way, Not Only Does the Back Scratcher does more Damage, It also Heals you more health From Health Packs. In Medieval Every Single Player Drops a Small Health Pack, Meaning that for every Kill with the Back Scratcher You basically get a Almost Medium health Pack Recover. Plus The Back Scratcher's Downside Barely Applies to Medieval Since Medics don't get Mediguns and Engineers cannot build Dispensers In that gamemode.
And that is it. The Volcano Fragment is Terrible and it Needs a Buff. because it is an Interesting Idea and it looks Awesome.
Underpowered weapons - Because the 6 people that work on the game can't adjust some stats
I think valve just needs to split some of the better weapons and make everything worse off....
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