Unpopular Zelda Opinions

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Here we are, the third Blog on Unpopular Opinions, this time on Zelda, Lets go

  1. Ocarina of Time was not the Best Zelda Game, The Game Aged rather Poorly in Terms of it's Level Design and Graphics.
  2. Ocarina of Time's Water Temple is not that Bad. Sure the Dungeon is rather Tedious from Changing the Water Level and Equipping the Iron Boots was a Chore, but The Dungeon had some Clever Puzzles and it had Dark Link, Best Mini-Boss in the Game.
  3. In My Opinion, A Link Between Worlds is the Best 2D Zelda
  4. Navi and Fi were not that Annoying and were kinda helpful at times.
  5. Skyward Sword is one of the Best games in terms of Story, Because it Gave Much needed Personality, Motivation, and Humanity to it's Characters.
  6. The Redeads are not that Scary, and some of the Worst Done Zombies in Video game History
  7. Zelda 2 is Over Hated, it's not like the Series had an Established Formula at the Time.
  8. Zelda games look better with a Cartoon Design rather then a Realistic one, This is why I think the Original Port of Wind Waker Looks Better then the HD Port of Twilight Princess
  9. The Sailing in the Original Port of Wind Waker was not that Bad, It Made the World Feel Gigantic, Because it is!
  10. Majora's Mask Is a Little Overrated. Its still a Good game, but it gets WAYYY to much Praise then it Deserves.
  11. I think there should be a Zelda Game Outside of the Medieval Setting.
  12. I thought Twilight Princess was AWFUL. 99% of the Characters were Bland, I did not Like the Story, and I Did not like the Art Style.
  13. Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass were some Great and Underrated Zelda Games, they had some Interesting Puzzles and Ideas, Dispite the Flaws in Both Games.
  14. Link to the Past and Link Between Worlds Did the non-Linear Zelda Better then Zelda 1.
  15. I never really found Tingle all that bad.
  16. I think Skyward Sword is Better then Ocarina of Time "BOO BOO" SHUT UP
  17. I want a Turn-Based RPG Zelda Title.
  18. Link's Awakening is the Second Best 2D Zelda
  19. Another Attempt at a Steampunk Zelda Would Work Fantastically.
  20. Breath of the Wild is a Fantastic Game that Deserves it's Review Scores, But it's not a Good "Zelda" Game.

That's it See you all Later


nice list! i don't personally agree with a lot of it, but it's cool to see someone else's perspectives on the subject. i always brake for zelda!

Yea they are just my own Opinions, it's always fun to see someone else's Thoughts on a Series