Gods Unchained and how it got me started...

in #gaming4 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone,

This is going to be a post about the only trading card game I ever played and what really got me into it. Prior to this I have not played HeartStone or MTG.... maybe few games of Yu-Gi-Oh when I was in college with a friend of mine who everyone thought was crazy. I really liked the person and you know what they say .... you better be friends with the crazy ones. Lol. So, back to the subject.

In the beginning for me Gods Unchained was just an annoying pop-up on brave browser. Since I was farming BAT token at the time, I had the ads on, so gods unchained would pop up quite often. At some point it got me intrigued, it was the graphics at first. One day I clicked on it and read about the concept of the game and I really liked it. A digital trading card game with limited card issuance and an opportunity for the player to be involved, own their assets, earn assets as they play and be able to sell them on secondary markets. I immediately saw opportunity while most of my friends and family thought I was nuts, but hey so were Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei and that didn't stop them. :)

At the point of time I did not realize that the cards were NFT's and what NFT's are, I didn't know the mechanics of it, but I understood the concept and that's what matters most. I started playing the game like everyone else F2P for about couple of weeks to see the dynamics and if I will like it.

It really reminded me of the battles in a game called " Heroes of Might and Magic 3" which used to be super popular on PC when I was growing up. The found familiarity with the collectors possibility and actually making money playing video games felt like warm blanket and I saw $$$ signs. The game was in it's super early faze which I did not realize at the time, but with a good team behind it the potential was exponential. So I started buying cards and packs. I was just in for the genesis sale and decided to spend a chunk of my savings on cards and at the same time grind games, get better, mine cards and forge/sell on secondary markets like opensea.io and TokenTrove.com.

There was not that many people who I can ask how to play the game so I had to teach myself. The core set has gone through a lot of changes since the day I started playing, god powers have changed, the UI has changed. They added Sanctum, Star Store.... a lot. And even so a lot has changed one thing still has not. And this thing is the opportunity the game offers. I am really open for discussion here and would love to see some counter points as well. We need to stay grounded, but this is what I think:

  1. The game still has not hit mainstream and people don't know about it. Forge is not working yet. So Play-To-Earn model not fully implemented yet. Can't get the crowd excited … yet.

  2. The team is growing and they are expending operations. It is good to see that they are constantly hiring and growing the team.

  3. Once the game hit's mobile it will be too late to enter and potential for profits will be greatly diminished (I think this is in the works and will happen within the next year. I might be wrong on this since they have not gotten a lot of things on time, but it seems like the team is getting better and more organized. There is definitely more team names in the discord as well.)

To show you what I mean I will get started with my first purchase of cards. And I will keep the prices in USD, since I had to convert USD at the time and convert it to ETH in order to buy the cards. Would my profits be higher if I kept my money in ETH ? In my case no. I think everyone is impacted differently based on the cards they purchased.


Now those prices are looking pretty nice. Would you like a Tyet for $18.74 ? - Yes, Please I'll have me 2. Are the cards holding value. You bet they are. There are about 10x more players on the weekend ranked than when I first started. The demand goes up, the price goes up... simple economics. Here are the current prices of those cards at the market today.

| arius.png | tyet.png

Arius is up 400% on the initial purchase price 2 years ago. While Tyet is up 15x!

Does this means that Legendary cards are the best one to purchase? Not quite. You need to look at utility and see demand for a certain card. If I knew a little bit more back then I would have bought only Jasons, Demogorgons and Highborn Knights. But you never know what will be in demand. You can always make good guesses and hope for the best. And honestly, after the next marketing push, whatever cards you have you won't have regrets. Here is a Highborn Knight comparison:

| highborn_knight_today.png | highborn_knight.png
Here is a Demogorgon 2 years ago vs today's price:

demogorgon.png demogorgon_today.png

One last example just for the fun of it:
rolling_watcher.png rolling_watcher_now.png

Rolling watcher is up 16X from it's original price. This is in the span of 2 years. Is there an investment opportunity out there giving 800% increase annually? Unless you aped into Doge, this is really hard to find. Are the prices going to increase in the future? More than certain it will. There are not that many opportunities out there.

We are currently waiting for the general population to find out about it. GU will have it's day all we need is patience. The community is active and growing. There are constant updates to the game and things are changing, evolving and morphing into one of the best trading card games of all times as well as one of the best NFT opportunity out there. I am patiently waiting and looking at the roadmap at short to medium term and I cannot be happier with my investment. I am not selling my collection out. I am actually getting more cards. I like the game. I played a lot and I like the free cards as well.... My profits so far from selling the freebies I got and minted in the forge while was still open are roughly $1k+ .I just bought more cards with the profits.Which card will be the next Jason, the next Highborn knight or the next rolling watcher?

Do you want to know my picks? Let me know in the comments bellow and if you would like me to write a post with my top picks for cards with biggest potential returns from TOTG.

Here is some more GU card Porn for everyone who likes looking at this.

ocular_fiend_now.png ocular_fiend.png

furries2.png )

boar2.png underbrush_boar.png

The potential for returns is there. The project is active and brewing under the surface. In my opinion if you buy your cards right, you will at least 5X your portfolio. There are some losers out there as well, but they are not many. After the next marketing bump, TOTG - part 2, $GODS and $IMX come out followed by Forge and Mobile we will all see a tremendous influx of new players and even higher prices on everything currently existing in circulation while Gods Unchained claims it's throne as the greatest trading card game of all times. These are my 2 cents. Feedback always welcome!

Disclaimer: I by no means am a Financial Advisor. I AM NOT a Financial Advisor! Here I am sharing with you what I do with my own money and my decisions in what I find feasible investment. I by no means am telling you to invest your money and that this return is a 100% guarantee. I hold no responsibility over your financial decisions and how you spend your money and/or what your buy with it is your choice. I am a risky person and I love finding projects with potential. Do your own homework before investing into anything and make sure you are familiar with the risks involved so you can make the right judgement. Risk tolerance is a factor and is different for every person out there. I hope you are happy and you make the right choices for you in your life, but nobody is always happy and there is no person who only makes right choices. Stay awesome!


Great exposition of your experience, some great stuff to be learned for sure, surely with mobile and new influx of players we will have some value even passive income and long term from this game, fingers crossed!

Here, another flaw that this game has is that there is no mobile version

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thanks for this post ... the problem with this game is that they would remove the slogan “Play To Earn”, the forge function hasn't been running for a year and buying and selling cards on Ethereum is not convenient for anyone. I'll be back to play this game a few times, but just to have a little fun

I am not sure why they removed the " Play To Earn" thing from their website. As far as I have been following the development they have had legal battles and this might be the reason. Forge is not working at this point, but this won't last forever. I still believe in the project and play the game. I managed to sell quite a few of the cards I minted on the forge when it was still functional for over $1,000 in profit so far. That is only from the cards I earned as I played. So for me " Play To Earn" is real. Regarding the ETH fees in buying cards, those are not present anymore. Since they started IMX the only fees you pay is to go onramp on the platform then you buy all the cards without any fees.

thanks for this feedback, I'll try to play some games again. Do you know if these new IMX tokens are distributed to old players?