Gaming: Difficult Vs Challenging

in #gaming8 years ago

I wrote a post yesterday about the need for a game to be challenging if it is going to be fun. If you can just blow through it there is little fun to be had. But sometimes a game is not a challenge but just difficult. Maybe it is cheap bad guys or something that comes out of nowhere and takes you out. There is also the games where you have no clue what to do next and without a guide it is almost impossible to figure out. A game that is challenging, to me, means it is up to the player how well they do and when you miss a jump you know it was you who missed that jump. While a game that is difficult feels like there was nothing you could have done to fix it.

One example is the trail and error gameplay. A challenging game will show you, just enough, how to play the game and then hint at what is to come. But even if you are taken by surprise, you are still prepared for the tasks ahead. But a game of trial of error leaves the player trying out different things, dying and then trying something different. One of the examples that comes to mind, and this is still a good game, is shadowgate. It is a point and click game where you have to work your way through a mansion. But random things kill you all the time. Oh that book, you should not have picked that up because now the floor opened and you died. There was no way in knowing before hand.

And then you have old school games where there is no way you can figure out what to do or go next. You end up talking to everyone over and over again trying to progress the story. This is where game guides come in. It leaves you with that feeling that there was no way you would have guessed that.

Have you played games that were just difficult?

**@funny is also my account


100% agree. I can think of no better example of difficult vs challenge at this moment than the original Uncharted games on Crushing Mode. Super stupid AI with bumped up HP pools, bumped up Damage, bumped up accuracy, bumped up damage output. The good old super soldier bullet sponge upgrade system.

great post
i will follow your account to see how are you doing;) please follow me

that is an interesting concept - I usually only talk about difficulty, but I could see that easily just calling it "the challenge" the game provides

Great post! Would you mind if I included it in today's "best of gaming"?

I agree there is always a Difference Between Hard and Challenging, it is possible to be challenged without having the gameplay be "hard" I have played Hard Games but once it is figured out it possesses no challenge, a Good game need to be able to Provide Challenge through All of it.

Great post! I completely agree, especially if you grew up playing the older games before save points became a thing. Having to master the ins and outs of each level, could be very frustrating at times but was very rewarding when you did. In my mind I miss this aspect about games nowadays and think that being able to save has ruined some of the challenge in how games used to be