Choose Your World!! Which Would You Live In?

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

Videogames have always allowed people to fantasize about other worlds to be a part of. What if you could be literally apart of that world? Movies like Gamer and eXistenz have painted a picture of what this might be like. I’ve been thinking of this more from a Sword Art Online and Log Horizon point of view. If you were playing your favorite game and suddenly woke up in that world instead of viewing it behind a tv screen or monitor. I’ve thought about this at length, probably more than anyone should but I have decided between two different games that I wouldn’t mind being enveloped in. Those two are Elder Scrolls Online and KOTOR (Knights Of The Old Republic).


Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls Online is my first choice mainly because of the amount of lore to paint a more detailed world. This would make the world have less to leave up to interpretation to fill the gap of the void that would occur if the world became real. Not only that there would be the great chance that the worlds of Morrowind and Skyrim would be included since they are part of the same universe. Not to mention they have dragons!! If I would take on my character that I used in the game than I would be a Wood Elf and specialize in archery and stealth. The stealth would come in handy for reconnaissance to find out more about the world and what applies and what doesn’t. Could tomes be used? Could I cast magic? Could I upgrade any trait that is particular to my class? I could find most of these answers if my stealth was as high as it is in the game. Not only that, would NPC’s have a mind of their own or would they just be mindless drones that have generic dialogue? Things like this is what I would consider if I was suddenly dropped into the world IRL. I think I would get along fine. Now where is that dragon!?


Star Wars: KotOR (Knights of the Old Republic)

KOTOR is part of the Star Wars universe and most appealing to me because I love Star Wars. That is the simplest of explanations why I would choose this world. I would choose KOTOR specifically because it is RPG based and is my favorite of all the Star Wars games. Possibly until Battlefront 2 comes out. If you don’t know about Star Wars you need to read a book and see the movies. Trekkies not allowed. JK The main premise of Knights is that the last surviving apprentice of the Dark Lord Revan, Darth Malak has unleashed an invincible armada on the unsuspecting galaxy. This leaves the Jedi Order in shambles scattering and losing some to the dark side. You play a Jedi traveling throughout the galaxy to destroy the Star Forge, Malak’s military resources.

So, Wood Elf or Jedi? The choice is tough, supposing I had one but I would go Wood Elf simply because of the lore and dragons. Growing and leveling up different attributes would also be another main deciding factor. Those are my thoughts but I’m curious to hear what some of you would choose if given the opportunity. What world would you like to live in for real? What are some of the reasons you would want to be there? I love interaction and different perspectives. Leave a comment down below of what you would choose.

As always, Thank You for your attention.

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The shock and awe of waking in any of these worlds would be insane! It's for sure fun to think about. I would for sure choose ESO, as for characters it would be hard to choose. I love stealth bow/magic characters but if you got to pick high elfs live the rich life!

It was definitely a tough choice but yeah ESO is for sure the winner. True the high elves do. I just like the elf class in general and dude dragons!!

I am a bit bias but I would want to live around the Pokemon world. Catching Pokemon and training them seems simple enough. The world of Star Wars tbh I would die very quickly due to Sith shenanigans or be a mob boss if I can bring the knowledge from the game and bring it to the world.

The Pokemon world would be a great world to find yourself in! The simplicity would definitely be the most alluring factor. Epic adventures could still be had as well. With Star Wars, I think your death would depend on where in the galaxy you found yourself. You could be on one of the trade planets which wouldn't see much of the battle but have unsavory characters or a planet far from the fray.