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RE: You Can Blame Bethesda For This ...

in #gaming7 years ago

A bummer the game's so buggy. Those graphics are gorgeous.

My newest hardware is only up to playing Fallout 3. Great fun but uniformally grey and mud-colored. I've been waffling for years over whether to build a gaming PC or just buy a damn console. In any case I usually trail the scene by being a generation behind on games. (The last console I bought was the original XBox, second hand, in 2003.)

I had to chuckle about your computer overheating because the weather's too hot. The humidity around here tends to wreak havoc with our electronics in the summer. The struggle is real, man.


I love Fallout 3 and New Vegas although NV is my goto place when I want to experience the dull mud-colored, almost insane making uniformity of Bethesda's idea of a dystopian future. There's nothing quite like crossing the desert in the middle of the night hoping to jump some NCR targets and having a Deathclaw jump out at you!

As for my PC the processor is one we bought second hand in a box about 6 years ago, for my other half. It's almost a different computer now apart from the fact it's in the same case. It started life with a very cute little Nvidia 9600 graphics card. Since I've had it it's had it's mobo changed (the pci-e slot blew) and now has a RX 460 which I bought myself for my birthday. It's so darn easy to upgrade your PC, especially with all the videos on Youtube to show you how to do stuff. Also, it's very satisfying when you turn it on and it works after it's been in bits for ages on your kitchen table.

Yeah, I love taking the PC apart and upgrading it. You'd be amazed how many functional parts I've gotten from the dump's recycling pile! (And how many people just toss their hard drives out without wiping them.) I usually stick with older PC's though, because the pleasure of putting them together is greater than the pleasure I get from playing the latest games.

But that latest Fallout does look tempting. And it would be cool to turn on all the fancy shaders in Minecraft...

My Mum's attic is full of the last fourteen years of computer parts - wires, hard drives, disk drives the alot. I wasn't exaggerating when I said I was an awful hoarder.

That sounds like an impressive stash! I think my mom's attic still has the original IBM PC and a dot matrix printer.

I've been on a minimalism kick lately and just unloaded a Pentium-4 tower, a Sony Vaio from 2000, and a 12 year old MacBook at the dump. Seemed a shame, since everything but the MacBook still worked fine.