You too can get FREE V-Bucks for Fortnite!!

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Fortnite is an extremely popular online multiplayer survival shooter game that's available on PC, Mac, Xbox, PS4 and Mobile. How popular? REALLY popular. Something like 3+ million players at a time popular. With popularity comes great responsibility and the EPIC developers have been hard at work making sure their shit doesn't crash. Sure there are some glitchy things here and there but overall it's an extremely fun if not anxiety inducing few hours of play. Like most multiplayer online shooter games "Just one more match..." is the mantra of the devout.

There are two modes of play for Fortnite. Battle Royale is a FREE mode where 100 players are pitted against each other in an ever shrinking battle landscape. The goal of Battle Royale? Be the last man/woman/team standing. I suck at standing in this game but I do sometimes get lucky and avoid any conflict while landing in the top 10 before my death. Everyone starts randomly as a man or a woman of various ethnicities and outfit options. Despite my hour or so scouring the interface to change from the woman to a dude I finally figured out that you get what you get for each round. I later learned that you do in fact have some control but you gotta earn or pay for those options.

Save the World is the other mode offered by Fortnite. As of today Save the World mode costs money to play but there is rumor that EPIC will make this mode free this year. While the theme of survival encompasses both modes Save the World pits you and a few other players against hordes of zombies or "husks" as they're called in this game. I think I saw one husk modeled after one of my girlfriends in high school. I was desperate for love then and she didn't seem to mind my connect the dot acne complexion so we...sorry, what were we talking about? Save the World! The ability to play Save the World can be had via one of the available editions:

Standard for $39.99
Deluxe for $59.99
Super Deluxe for $89.99
Limited for $149.99
(again, there may be a free version coming soon)

Each of these editions gives you access to the Save the World mode along with an increasing number of items to both make your toon cooler looking and make game play funner. Ha ha, Mrs. Blonderdorf, I knew funner was a word! Personally, I have not played this version because I'm cheap but I have watched some videos on it and think I could find myself in a late night zombie battle or two in the near future.

So there is a little intro to Fortnite. Thanks for coming and be sure to tip your waitress. Hmm? Oh, right, you wanted to learn how to get some V-Bucks.

Y'all got any more of them V-Bucks?

V-Bucks the in game currency for Fortnite. YES, micro-transactions! YES, costly pixels to make my virtual self look more badass. Shut up and take my money!

Personally, when I play a video game with an in game currency the first thing I do is look online for ways to get some of that currency for free. I'm cheap and my wife won't let me spend money on things that aren't food or clothing for my brood. I mean, she does let me spend a little on my beer league hockey dues and an occasional bottle of good bourbon but... When you search online for free things you sometimes find some of the most devious pieces of feces on the planet, SCAMMERS. These toilet dwellers create videos and deceitful web sites in order to draw you in and separate you from your game account or hard earned money. "Give us your account info to get UNLIMITED V-Bucks Free!", "Install our software to get MILLIONS of V-Bucks!" and some other catchy lines. Unfortunately, the simple adage of "If it's too good to be true it probably is." rings true. Most, if not all, of these sites will steal your information, install viruses on your computer so you will feel violated and angry for weeks. Being caught using these methods could also put you into a position of having your account banned. Thankfully EPIC has given us a few ways to legitimately get V-Bucks.

Buy V-Bucks!

Each platform (PC, Mac, Xbox, PS4 and Mobile) has an in-game store where you can purchase V-Bucks in chunks:

  • 1,000 for $9.99
  • 2,500 for $29.99
  • 6,000 for $59.99
  • 10,000 for $99.99

There's really not much else to say about this. It's quick and easy. [Deleted snarky comment about my love life.]

Earn Free V-Bucks

To begin earning V-Bucks you need to purchase the Save the World mode. Each one of the editions listed above comes with a myriad of bonus items for your character along with a few things you can share with friends. There is a chance one of these editions will give you the flair or loot you are looking for so look through what each offers before purchasing. Note: Many people purchase this version because they enjoy the game and would like to support the developer...or just have to have some cool loot now. Again, I'm cheap.

After you buy the game you can begin earning V-Bucks. There really are only three opportunities to getting your hands on those yummy V-Bucks:

Daily Login - Logging into the Save the World each day will give you V-Bucks at various intervals. Here are the first 5 intervals (there are 44 intervals):

Day 11 - 50 V-Bucks
Day 28 - 300 V-Bucks
Day 35 - 150 V-Bucks
Day 49 - 150 V- Bucks
Day 56 - 300 V-Bucks

Complete Daily Quests - Each completed quest could give you anywhere from 50 to 75 V-Bucks. There are approximately 30 quests.

Complete Homebase Storm Shield Missions - These missions requires you to fortify and protect your homebase with the reward being 100 V-Bucks. There are 4 zones that have approximately 6 missions each.

Using V-Bucks

V-Bucks can be used for either the Battle Royale or Save the World modes. Once you have accumulated your V-Bucks you can then go to the in-game store and purchase all the Battle Passes and fun items you desire. Incidentally, a Battle Pass gives players the ability to get access to a number of additional rewards for a season as the player progresses through the game. A season typically runs about 3 months. Battle Pass costs 950 V-Bucks which gives you access to 100 levels of rewards. Another option is to purchase a Battle Bundle which costs 2800 V-Bucks and gives you access to 100 levels of rewards with the first 25 unlocked for you.

However you choose to get your V-Bucks is up to you. If you don't have a wife that slaps your fingers with a ruler before you can click the purchase button then buy what you need. If you don't have a wife that demands that you spend time with your kids then spend time doing the quests and missions. If you're like me, watch other people run around with cool shit and dream of one day hitting the lottery so you too can have cool shit. Time to take the kids to soccer practice. Peace.


follow diagonally

Hey man, you linked to the wikilink of Scanners instead of Scammers . Don't know if that was intentional, (because I thought it was funny) or if you really just mistyped it. But yeah, Fortnite is surrounded by scams nowadays.