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RE: For Honor... Is it Dead.. ?

in #gaming8 years ago

I tried For Honor and really liked it. However there are so much good games available at the moment. I bought battlefield 1, hardly played it and then moved on to Horizon zero Dawn. It's good times for gamers at the moment but the down side is that a lot of games don't get the attention they deserve. It will be hard for For Honor to win back the people who left (I mean look at the Division for example). I hope they can bring people back but they will have to come with some good DLC to do so and also fix their server issues.


Exactly! I do really like For Honor, the gameplay really is great but it is let down by poor online connectivity. Horizon looks great too, unfortunately as an Xbox One owner I dont get to play it! but youre right, great games on the way.. good times ahead! Thanks for the comment.