Zulfikarm Gaming | Review Game Seven Knights | Get to know the Guide for beginners Game Seven Knight

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello Friend Steemit, back again with my @zulfikarm friend steemit hopefully always healthy and do, during this sunny, I will share the story of the Game was super good and super steady graphics especially if not Game Seven Knights, On This afternoon I will be reviewing this great Game, before I reviewed this great Game, Seven Knights is a game of strategy that is venturing into the land of Ladenberg filled with Knights, adventurers, monsters, as well as magical powers. Hundreds of recruits of the Hero to run missions at Ladenberg with Power Up, Rank Up, and Gear Up and has a video with elements of RPG and strategy game, some cooperatives.

In Game Seven Knights, most player Games just sheer entertainment and play. They don't care about this for what it is, it's good to use for what. Sometimes also they're for (Beginners) might not yet know what its supposed to do. I give advice Guide for beginners in game play Seven Knights to avoid missteps and certainly fast GG. Please note the companion of 14 point below. 


  • Upgrade the Mastery To Level 75 Using RUBY

In this game we have a lot to figure out how to upgrade the Mastery to level 75, because mastery is one additional skill that should be owned and full up to level 75. To learn the conditions in indeed Mastery to level ID's best friend. But for GGin ID companions before lvl 75 also can. One of them by learning Mastery skill with Ruby. The bottom line, "RUBY GUNAIN UPGRADING MASTERY" is the most important for beginners. So don't rush gunain Ruby's best friend.  

  • Upgrade the formation Battle Options up to Level 40  

In this Game as much as possible the formation must be Full level that is level 40. It is up to the companions want to choose which Formation, depending with build party companions. However, little leakage for the formation of the most useful and helpful i.e. formation of Defense (1 Rear, 4 front) and the formation of Balance (2 Rear 3 front). To UP it takes management gold formations are quite high, because the utility of gold also for UP Hero.

  • Suggestion I Rank UP and Power UP Hero Seven Knights

After a simple mission or quest completed, advice from me to the companions must be preceded a gaming name Hero Seven Knights, After Seven full Knights, the second was lord if companions have a new hero, companion of choice in accordance with the wishes best friend.

  • Hunting Element To Rank UP Hero Party Strongest

There are several ways to get the Element, following his methods:  

  1. Castle Rush: Exchanged 12 CR points for element 3 random, or 24 CR points for element 3 options. Better pick 3 random because the CR points with 24 companions can get 2 random element. Play Castle Rush every day (only 3 entry), although not many contributions, friend still get entry to be switched into element.
  2. Daily Dungeon: Easy (Element 2), Normal (Element 3), PAL can use ruby for re-entry. Easy for $50 ruby and the ruby, 150 for Normal entry twice to easy and rank up element 2 to 3 more efficient ruby 50 than normal, but need fodder for elementnya with.
  3. PAL: sometimes Mimic will meet with Mimic in adventure. Item and Element 2 (random) can be obtained from the folder Mimic Ha.  
  • Focus on 1 Party Until Level 40 + 5 Max 

Focus on the creation of a strong party 1 used to be. Basicnya is to choose 1 hero for each role and evolve one by one in accordance with an existing element (Defensive, Magic, Offensive, Supporting, Universal). Don't need a new hero trend bandwagon and spend ruby, because the hero will keep popping up. If too many PAL summon (gacha), in the end heromu will be too much and the difficulty in content. After squadmu fair strong, better search hero from fusion rather than via the gacha.

Thank you, that's the short story or Review about the Guide in Game Seven Knights, hopefully what I convey in this discussion quite helpful to you that fans of Game Seven Knights companions, may Steemit love it and don't forget to pop over to my Blog and don't forget to Vote and Like this article see you in the next article. 

Sumber: http://alamgame.com/guide-untuk-pemula-dalam-bermain-seven/1.

SALAM GAMERS @zulfikarm

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Seven Knights

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