
Hemptastic all the way to hemptown! Puff puff pass that glass blunt @IndicaBee!

Hahah, I believe you either licked the wrong side of the paper, or had the paper in backwards? I've had that result before too. You can slit it open and reroll, or you can just roll it in a second paper (properly this time) if you don't mind smoking two papers.

hahah... the two paper move has put some harshness in my throat before
I vote for a reroll

Hehe it might depend on what material the paper is, I'm not sure. Kind of a dab guy nowadays!

I think the paper was rolled up tomuch and folded over ... but will take it apart lol and reroll but figured id show my ganjagirl followers lol fails of being a stoner

: P
But those rolling machines are actually pretty handy. Think about your first hand-rolled joints. Were they perfect? It takes time to learn a technique. After a few more rolls with that thing you will be pumping out expert joints, pinners, and fatties in literally seconds.

I'm better at just hand rolling and not using a machine lol my hands arent use to it yet

Upvoted! Enjoying the sun here in VanCity!

Nice video. I hope you get more practice with your rolling machine.
Yeah, puff puff pass next time...