Feels like Spring

in #garden5 years ago

The plants have been out of sync this year. Has anyone else noticed that?

It hasn't been a particularly warm Winter either.

I shouldn't be complaining though I'm enjoying the ranunculus blooming early this year.

When I first planted them in the garden it was on a warm Spring day about 2 years ago. I moved them to the fence line last year and added a couple more plants but I didn't really get to enjoy them since they didn't bloom.

Imagine how happy I was to see that they've come up this year.

I have three perennial flowers that come up every year. These ranunculus, the lilies and the marigolds. Four if I count the lavender.

I think I get much more satisfaction in growing flowers than food. I think that's because our crops get attacked by the local wildlife and it's been a never ending struggle with them. But they seem to leave most of the flowers alone ~ I say most because they attacked Bella's roses and took the heads off before I could enjoy them 😭

I was actually surprised the ranunculus made it. They're my favourite cut flowers.

They last ages in a vase. If you cut them before they're fully open and you put them by the window in a vase with water, they will eventually bloom.

I use spice jars for the vase and put them around the house to add a little touch of nature inside. They never fail to make smile.

It's definitely feeling very Springy lately. The days are a touch warmer and feels slightly longer.

Usually the arrival of Spring means my birthday is near, but now I can associate Spring with Bella's birthday too.

I hope I'll have some flowers from the garden for her birthday! Crossing fingers the lilies come up then.

Do you have a favourite flower you grow in your yard? Which is it and why?



Beautiful. I've only just started flowers. I love calendula.. so bright and it has medicinal value. And the native banksia for birds.

Spring feels early..but is gonna be a cold week down here..

You know.... I was planting marigolds thinking they were calendulas 🤦🏻‍♀️ I wish the birds up here only went for the natives. That would be nice... I think Blue Mountains birds are feral savages ~ they go for anything. The king parrots decimated my succulents. 🤬

Take care hun!!

Oh that's an easy mistake to make!! Don't worry I planted st john wort, not realising it wasn't hte medicinal one! Which is actually a weed in Oz, you're not allowed to plant it ...

Ooooo!!! St John Wort! That's on my list. So it's a weed or the plant you thought was sjw a weed?

Wish my plant knowledge was better.

Absolutely agree. Buds popping out everywhere and we aren't even out of winter yet.