It all started 18 years ago when I went to a friends house for the first time and saw a living room in a garden.
It seemed as if every inch of sunlight was being used for plants, and little sunshine shown through and hit the black leather couch making it reflect and brighten up the room even more. There where mirrors all around to help bounce light too, with long vines wrapping around the entire room, I knew at that moment, I wanted to live in plants, with plants, all around.
(photo of a rooted Lemon Balm Plant in a vintage Lysol Jar, taken by Me =)
I had some chances growing up to grow my own things, when I was 5 my Dad let me grow my own little vegetable garden. I grew two carrot, two onion, and I think peas, I only remember the carrot, it was a unique variety, taking the shape of a bulb instead of a traditional carrot shape, I picked it from all the other seed packets because it was unique. I only was able to harvest one carrot, I had to fight for its survival from our goats that where free range and the Wild Moose, who I witnessed eat the onion. I remember standing on our porch in Alaska yelling at the moose to leave my garden alone, but he liked the food more than listening to me.
I realized then, that it would be much harder protecting my garden from animals than it would be to actually grow it!
By Now You're Probably Wondering "How Do I Multiply Plants?"??
I grew up being thrifty, I grew into being thrifty, & I love being thrifty, but having a ton of plants sounded expensive to buy, cheap to take care of, and fun to have around.
- Seeds are cheap, but not as cheap as I am.
- Discount plants are cheap, but again not as cheap as I am and not as healthy either.
(I call them plants in the ER, stores have racks with dying plants that need urgent care at a discount price or they will die!! ) - Friends are cheap, I mean friends who have already growing plants can provide a super cheap alternative
- No Friends? No Problem! Offices, schools, stores, they all love to add some life to their dark day under florescent lighting. It makes them even happier when they can brighten someone elses day just by cutting a tiny inch or two from their plant.
Seriously little to no effort for them to put a smile on your face, and you probably made them feel good too. Happiness is contagious.
So Finally, How I Get My Free Plants: From Cuttings
One of my first cuttings was from a former employers Philodendron Vine plant, it looked like a healthy candidate for the job. I asked if I could cut 2 inches from it and she said I could!
I was in the Town Hall office paying property taxes and saw a super cute long vine bursting from the pot it was hanging in, I asked If I could have a couple inches to root in water and she gave me over a foot, she mentioned it was Lipstick plant when she handed over my new friend..
Friends parents had plants, unique, the husband didn't really like house plants so it was pushed under a shrub outside, I asked if I could have a piece. Approved yet again, I got less than an inch to work with, I was worried it wouldn't work but 4 weeks later (1 week in water, 3 in soil) its over 4 inches tall!
I totally understand if you are not interested in Multiplying house plants, food giving plants are the BEST!!
This spring I planted a couple Basil plants from seeds, that I traded some cute pots for, I knew I could make more plants eventually.
When To Cut:
My rule of thumb, is at least 2 sets of leaves, 3 is better for most plants, except rosemary, let her get at least 2-3 inches tall.
The victim is this basil plant, it has 6 sets of leaves formed, I pointed out with Red Arrows, note that it is SETS of leaves, not individual leaf count. I cut above the 2nd set of leaves instead of above the third set because the plant was already getting tall and I wanted it more bushy. Where you cut will dry up and new growth will come from below.
Place the new cutting in water and make sure the exsisting leaves are not submerged,use whatever works!
Set it in spot with little to very light sunlight, my cuttings sit in a window that gets sun in the early morning until maybe 9 or 10 before it moves to the next window.
You can see in the picture above the new cutting and a cutting that is over a week old. It is about time to plant the one on the left, I just need to find another container!
Rosemary from a Cutting:
Moment of TRUTH: I don't recommend anyone trying this!! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU GET IN TROUBLE! But I totally cut my rosemary plants a couple years ago from a flourishing Rosemary bush at a Walmart. I've been cutting and gifting from that one cutting ever since!
It got to a beautiful size and then my baby cat started peeing in the pot and it started dying so I took some cuttings before it got too bad. Kitty didn't understand the difference between outside soil and inside soil at first, especially since it kind of looked like a litter box to a little guy. lol
You can do this with Tomato Suckers too. Plant Carrot tops, lettuce bottoms, Pineapple tops, the list goes on. Here was just a small demonstration of what can be done! Experiment, Grow, & learn <3
♡ Anyways, this was a rather long post, I hope you enjoyed it!! All Photos and content are my own. let me know if you like reading all of the mini stories or if you would prefer content that "gets to the point" ♡
Im a habitual cutting collector. I always carry extra plastic bags and secateurs in my bag!
Its how we collect the best types of everything!
Dude I like reading those mini stories they are very fun to read! If you combined those pics with the stories then that's quality work my friend.
Thanks Ethan =) I'm glad you like reading my blurbs =)
I have seriously been considering doing this to help implement fresh herbs into my diet without having to pay high prices. I have plenty of herbalist friends. Finding a suitable location would be the difficult part. I'll do some research and observation and see where it be placed. Is there a limit on the jar capacity that you recommend? One plant per jar as well I am assuming? Anyway, you got my vote, resteem, and follow. :)
Hey Atomramble, Thanks so much!! <3 I understand finding a suitable location can be difficult, I don't have very much light inside the house for plants, I do have a porch that gets enough sun to be sufficient for most herbs and even some tomato and pepper plants, its only 4 by 5 feet. If you have any space outside to use, I would watch the location to see how much the sun hits it and then decide if its enough for plants! 8-10 hours is great, i think they could manage with 6 if needed. Jar capacity depends on the jar, if i don't have enough space on my shelves for more jars, or sometimes if the jar is too wide I might need more than one plant to help hold each other up. I had some pretty small lemon balm cuttings i put 4 in each jar! You will have to refill the jar with water more often though, but they are only in the jar for a week or two and then can be transplanted so its no biggy! <3
That sounds awesome. I'll definitely have to track something down.
^ What he said....?? Lol.
Stigmatatata from Lake Titicaca!
KudosGr8 post @cainplant
awzsome post thank you for sharing
thanks machhour, glad you liked it =)
I love your 'long' and easy-reading article! It reminded me so much of my mum - I'm the youngest and therefore was always hanging around my mum growing up, and watching her do all her cooking and gardening. She really had a green thumb! And she could always get any cutting from anywhere - lol... Whether it was from neighbours, or even some houses she passed, and just asked for some! Or picked from the roadside! I don't garden as much - maybe 10% of what she did - but I do like 'messing around' - I now live in an apartment and have 3 trenches of ornamental plants. :) Cheers to you... :)
thanks Ackhoo, I am said to be an old soul in a young body =) lol I think me and your mum would get along!!
Awesome !