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RE: Mendel's Rules

in #garden9 months ago

One thing you will see a lot of in the cannabis space is 'bro science'. So much misinformation, and myths are around. Perhaps due to the illegality of it, and the people who are educated with all this info most likely went to work in legal industries, while it was left to outlaws to grow. This also led to people breeding for THC levels rather than the other components that make the flower so special.

Thankfully it is all changing, but this also means the market is flooded with so many shady people only in it to make a buck. You just have to weed out all the bad to find the good.

Here are a few a companies I recommend. Not sure if you can get them over there, but it is worth trying

Seed Junky

Humbolt Seed Company

Exotic Genetix

Also about the FEM seed, what you say is 100% correct, and is the bad way to create FEM seed. The best way to make FEM seed is with Colloidal Silver. Although as legend goes, some of the greatest strains out there where made on accident from herms, like Girl Scout Cookies, and GG4, but I would not practice breeding by chance, lol


Also about the FEM seed, what you say is 100% correct, and is the bad way to create FEM seed. The best way to make FEM seed is with Colloidal Silver.

What bad way? I mentioned colloidal silver. (I misspelled it, though)

Sorry I overlooked that. The bad way will be stressing a plant out during flower while flowing, such as interrupting the dark cycle , or other stresses which is usually caused unintentionally.

As for the bro science in the cannabis scene: It's partially due to being illegal for so long, of course. The modern myths and misconceptions are because of economic interests, I believe.

There isn't much money to be made with a plant that grows so easily. The special fertilizer, special pots, special lamps (thank god I can grow legally on my balcony now and use sunlight) are all unnecessary, expecially now that it is legal.

Also, I doubt that they can create really true strains in these facilities in the Netherlands (that's where I have to order from).

I believe they:
Crossbreed some material, grow a bunch of specimen and take a cutting from each.
Then they bring the plants to flower, harvest, select the best specimen, go back to the earlier taken cuttings and use the clone of the best plants to get the colloidal silver treatment and then sell that stuff as a 'strain'.

From what I see, people get huge variety just from seeds out of the same bag.
And then they 'select for the best phenotype'.
What a joke.

I agree. So much seeds are released , without proper testing, and stabilization. I’m curious are you able to get clones?

Probably, yes.

The 'legalization' here has quite strict limitations for now.
I can only have 3 plants and 50g dried flowers - however that's supposed to work...
Under my special circumstances it's best to use small automatics on my balcony. (I also don't want to annoy my neighbors too much)

I take it as a challenge. Also that way I can get more harvests and get experience quicker, maybe.

I used to have a decent indoor setup, but now I do t have the room and forces to also grow autos. That’s on my @jonyoudyer account. Not doing so well though, still figuring out autos myself:)