My apologies to the non-gardeners

in #garden5 years ago (edited)

I'm sorry for all the garden content lately. And now, here come the tomatoes! This content may annoy those who aren't interested, but also any gardeners who can't grow right now. I know how it feels to want to have green things in the dirt, but have something preventing it, so I feel for you if you're in that situation. Maybe my photos will allow you to live vicariously through my summer growing experience.

That's the first tomato to ripen - looks like it'll be ready tomorrow! And it's the first of hundreds.

The tomato patch is a mess, but it's prolific. Normally I stake up my plants more, but the lockdown (and new baby) had me pretty busy this year.

There's a nice Amish Paste! I have 2 varieties growing this year, both heirloom and 200% organic.

The other is Sweet 100:

They're my favourite for just eating right off the vine.

The Amish Paste are very hardy plants, and the tomatoes are great for sauces, canning, etc.

I think that's the largest so far. I'm happy with the weather here, having moved away from Vancouver's mild temperatures and drizzle. I've got a decent little patch of soil to play around with, and a good stock of heirloom seeds.

Stay tuned as the plants mature and the fruit begins to ripen. I'll do posts showing how I collect seeds for next year, and food I make using tomatoes and other produce right from the back yard.

If you can, grow in peace. If you can't, I'm sorry, I'm honestly not trying to make you sad. I hope next year has you back in the dirt again!



Last weekend I ate some of my dads homegrown tomatoes, so much more taste than the ones in the stores! Its amazing!

Mmm yeah, just clean dirt, fresh air, rainwater, and plentiful sunshine!

Those are going to be some delicious tomatoes, especially if they are 200 % organic :)

que lindos tomates! yo he sembrado en mi huerto pero no son muy productivos, son muy sensibles a las plagas. me alegra que te vaya bien con ellos!

Sí, los tomates pueden ser blanco de plagas o enfermedades. Trate de regar las plantas por las noches, y no salpicar la suciedad sobre las hojas. Agua profundamente pero con poca frecuencia - sólo una vez que la planta comienza a secarse. Prueba variedades que sean más resistentes a los problemas de tu zona. Use cáscaras de huevo trituradas o tierra de diatomeas contra insectos. Si las aves meten los tomates para tomar una copa, deje a los pájaros un pequeño plato de agua cerca y ignorarán los tomates. Planta otras plantas que resistan las plagas en tu jardín. Buena suerte y gracias por su comentario!

¡muchisimas gracias! seguire estos consejos y espero el proximo año tener buenos tomates

Upvoted.... great photography as always.
Tomatoes are extremely healthy and versatile.
Even great raw :))

No sé mucho sobre el tema de la siembra, pero me gustan tus tomates, se ven muy apetitosos y creo que puedes hacer muchos productos basados ​​en estos

Gracias amigo, aquí en Canadá tenemos menos sol que tú, pero los tomates todavía se pueden cultivar durante los meses de verano! Voy a mostrar las salsas y alimentos que preparo con los tomates en 1-2 meses. Gracias por tu comentario. :)

hmmmm yummy

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 36/45)

Awesome! Getting some goodies coming in. The amish paste sound great and the sweet 100 remind me a bit of the little sun sugars i have.