Forget about titles and subtitles and get to the point!
After spending a vast amount of money and plowing constantly hour after hour in my garden to create a beautiful seating area and rocker...
Guess what?
I Have a Mole

I first noticed the pebbles along the edge of the rockery seemed raised and were falling away. So pressing the raised parts back I noticed how soft the ground appeared and followed it in a line. This went on for days.
It was only when my dogs had sug a hole in the ground that I realized that they were something living under my gravel. Surely enough I found two-mole hills next morning right in the spots were the dogs had previously dug the day before.
This Means War

The first option was to purchase so repellers. these are like solar lights that you stick into the ground around the area you have the problem and they emit a sonic vibration into the ground which affects the nervous system of the pest and therefore deters them from coming into your garden.
The second option ( and my favorite) Wriggles Juicy Fruit chewing gum. Yes, That's right! You take a stick of gum and place it into the tunnels created by the mole and they eat it. the problem is they can not digest it so the result is death.
finding the tunnels
I had to pull away the weed fabric to reveal the tunnels but as you can see from the image above, this was worth it to assess the damage.
So for a small price of 0.35p I had the best weapon against the mole and that lead me the victory at Molehill.

Chewing gum for a mole problem? Seriously? Wow, you live and learn. I saw someone fill a gallon container with water and then plug it open end down into a mole hole - the water filled the hole and the mole ended up in the container - pretty slick!
The water thing sounds cool. Seen some strange ways of catching them and I won’t lie, out of desperation I tried a few but the gum thing is the winner ( for me at least)