Grow Diaries 2024

in #garden8 months ago


This post is about medical/recreational cannabis.
I recommend you don't use it.
It could be illegal in your country.
Be careful!


2nd Disclaimer:

I got a mean inflammation in my elbow and I can not type well.

German Law

In April 2024 German legislation changed and it is now legal to grow plants and own some flowers.
The law is new, long and confusing, so things are still a bit uncertain, but I can have:

  • up to 3 plants
  • up to 50g of dry flowers

I plan to take full advantage of that.

My Setup

  • south-facing balcony.
  • 8 hours of direct sunlight.
  • no direct rain.


  • many neighbors
  • very urban
  • light pollution (street lamps at night)

The plan

In the beginning, I was too shocked to make a decision.
Until it happened, I did not think the law would pass, ever.

I asked a friend for some seeds and rushed into planting and made some mistakes. I do have that one plant in the picture above, but I am uncertain, what it exactly is (I got an idea, though). Its growth was stunted, but it recovered and is looking quite healthy now...

It's not ideal...

Partially due to my injury, I had a lot of spare time, and I read up on cannabis cultivation... I went down the rabbit-hole.
I am now up to speed and formulated a plan.

My hand hurts too much to describe the plan, but I can announce, that I will use this blog as a grow diary.

Are there any communities ot tags you can recommend? Should I start my own thing?


Greetings @felixxx

Sorry to hear about your elbow....sounds painful.

To answer your query...wonder if it could come under #HiveGarden although that tag requires 500 word minimum....however it seems a thriving community....another thought might be Natural Healing...or Natural Meds ..tags not yet in existence as far as I know.

Wishing you well.


Have you tried Cayenne (comes in capsule form) ? It is supposed to be effective for inflammation.

I don't really suffer from general inflammation, it's just that elbow from doing a repetitive motion (and prior injury).
All I can do is rest it, and it just takes time. Not much to do about it.


The time has come... You finally got it legal in Germany... and did it! 😃

many neighbors

If it's now legal, they shouldn't be bothering you, unless its by ignorance?

German Emissionsschutzgesetz (law for emission-protection) does not allow me to annoy my neighbors with noise or smell or other emissions.
3 big plants can smell out the whole house if not the whole neighborhood.
Even if that wasn't a thing the police could enforce, I just don't want to annoy my neighbors like that. Also children... ...I'll keep it discrete.

The plant is looking good. Cannabis is now legal here in NJ as well. We've been toying with the idea to grow some as well, we're curious but somewhat hesitant. I'll be following your little plant's life.

Shouldn't Canna-Curate be the perfect community for this?

Speedy recovery with your elbow!

What are you concerned about?

I studied this for 1 week, I am an expert now, lol.

Growing is fun and it all seems easy, but I understand very well that it will be exciting when you start getting buds and the whole neighborhood smells like them. Indore in a tent you can still do something about it with a filter.
your plant looks good btw

and the whole neighborhood smells like them

I want to avoid that best as I can 😐

hope for the best, maybe it won't be too bad

I already commented what community in the other post, but tbh the only other thing to always remember, is to use the cannabis tag. So you are already ahead of the game :) Happy growing!