Hmmm, it didn't sound that complicated from what I saw on Amazon. I think people are simply using the part of the plant to make tea?
I'm not the one with the green thumb. @elyce is. Her father was a florist, and its in her blood. She REALLY enjoys working with plants too. I wish she would pursue it more, for I know it is one of her main passions.
Speaking of that, she's dying to see your place. Those are her words, not mine. She's interested in seeing the setup you have there.
It really is not all that complicated, especially with abundant information and tutorials online. You should tell @elyce that @grow-pro says it's time to grow! haha
We just moved into this new place last year and I'm a struggling 1-man-band here..haha We bought the property for the land value and have much to do yet.
It takes me 5 hours to cut the grass, so you might imagine I do not accomplish anything quickly as far as working on the house goes! Outside is going to get a major overhaul for next season and that will begin at the end of this month and likely continue until next spring. This year my focus (outside) has been to grow plants and trees for landscaping I plan to do in the future and really test different areas of my property for light, soil, etc. I am also testing several trellis systems for my tomatoes - next year I know exactly what works here best. It is entirely a learning experience for me this year, but I believe it is necessary to reach the goals I have set in my mind.
In order to finish what needs to be done inside, I must start generating income outside. Which is entirely starting from scratch. We are under construction - all the time..LOL I literally go from drywall, to plumbing, to irrigation, to cultivating grounds. It is nonstop and I have 99 projects half-complete. It's tough with two kids under 4 - that's my first full-time job. It is no wonder I have been to the chiropractor 45 times this year..(not exaggerating, unfortunately, that number is a conservative guess).
OSHA might make us wear hard hats if I show any more photos..haha!! Hopefully, I will get this place to where I want it soon. I'd love to be able to have you both up for a visit once I can get some of these projects knocked out.
Headed outside now to set some posts and sweat glory all over the lawn ✌️😎
Here is some I found in my yard in February and transplanted it. It pops up randomly around here.