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RE: 🌱to💰• Growing Money In Your Yard Series • {pt2} • Grow What You Know & How to Find Profitable Opportunities

in #garden8 years ago

Glad you asked! The Universe has funny ways of aligning our paths..
I live literally a few houses down from farming Menninits that sell produce. We buy our blueberries from them, actually! 50lbs at a time ((because that is the minimum)) and they are tasty & cheap! Hard to compete with that if you intended to sell blueberries around here..haha

That's why I focused where many others weren't looking - specialty, niche based produce that, after some moseying around the community, I found were not being offered. Filling a gap in the market is much easier than fighting over market share with businesses with an already established presence and share of the market.

We don't do farmers markets either, it isn't economical fo our scale operation. We do have many private, small business around and that is the secret tool to use in small communities. Network with a business that will either sell yr produce for you or allow you access to their market. A gas station can quickly become a place to sell produce if you makes friends with the owner. Support them and they will support you. We actually have been utilizing a local gym to our advantage and the owner gets all the produce he can eat for allowing us to access his clientele. Win for all parties involved. His members love having fresh produce right outside the door after a workout.

We had to get really creative in order to find our success and we have done pretty well I'd say, for our first year selling to market. We are surrounded by farmers and gardeners and still have made our presence known in a very short time. We have a reservation list for our produce and it is sold by the time we pick it.

My next part of the series (coming this week) will be focused on What I do and How I do it - from how I started to where I am and what to avoid in between. I'll share my marketing secrets that I used to find success as a freelance artist, landscape designer, and now a tomato farming Steemian 😉

I'll be sure to cover our discussion here & hopefully get more people growing money in their yards!

Thanks again for your support and your time, @gardengirlcanada


You make good sense. The struggles are real with the Menninites. LOL I love the concept of the Gym's. For a small town we have 5 gym's/yoga studio's and chiropractic/message places. I will attempt to build a networking opportunity with them over the winter. I am already connected with them as my children are elite athletes so everyone know's my family in our community. Thanks again for sharing your brilliant concept. Yes the Universe does connect like minded folks, glad I met you and will be eagerly watching for your future posts.