After 5 years of growing from a simple little seed, this year our Apricot tree decided it was time to flower. With dozens of flowers maybe there is a chance for a small amount of fruit.
After 5 years of growing from a simple little seed, this year our Apricot tree decided it was time to flower. With dozens of flowers maybe there is a chance for a small amount of fruit.
Very nice. 👍🏼👍🏼 Apricot jam is delicious 😋 hope you have tons of fruits
My sweet ol’ Grandma in Utah always used to send apricot, raspberry, strawberry and peach jam. All grown in here little backyard. Man I miss that!!
Ah mission almost complete @jlsplatts..Victory! when a basket full of harvest apricot from your land-big smiles
We can’t wait!! We have been very patient, but seeing these flowers makes the patients dwindle a bit 😜. We also have 4 Fuji apple trees that we grew from seeds but have yet to see a flower.
One day at a time.
Your blessed @jlsplatts. You have put a lot of hard work into this community the harvest is with you. May you have a bless week!
Thank you for your kind words. God bless
Very nice!