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RE: potato update (end of may)

in #garden10 months ago

I sometimes think the pattern of the planting or the gene of the planted potatoes itself is responsible for how big a potatoe any any tuber crop might look, but this is still looking very promising like you've said


Of course, the variety matters.
This is called 'Linda' and they don't get very big, even under best conditions.

As for pattern of planting: I think as long as they have enough space, the pattern doesn't matter all too much.

That being said, for my circumstances here, the most important factor is rain;
If I get no rain, they are chicken-egg sized, with good rain, they are about the size of a human fist.

You're right, rain is one of the most important factors. Tuber crops have a way of pulling some good surprises though. I hope by September it'll be a good harvest