This is little photo share of my garden in north Texas.
A little background. I started this less than a year ago with crap barren ground around dec. and decided to get my first plants!
The yard is very heavy in clay in fossle rocks. Not ideal for growning. This used to be a lake bed back in dino times. So imagine farming a million year old clay lake bed haha
So starting with bags of soil and small green bought second hand in dec I was growing my start to large garden.
Just wait for updated photo of this green house haha
early on I had little mushrooms growing from the bags of wood chips i had bought lol
I then covered the ground in a weed matt and sand to help prevent weeds while I tended the garden. I watered everything daily before work with a little 3 gallon sprayer I bought.
As my plants start to get big and the weather starts to warm I decide its time to build outside and transplant some.
So I bought some 4x4 and 2x6 wood boards, and a box of screws and went to town. I then drown down to a local place called Silver Creek Materials and got around 12 yards of lava sand organic compost mix. over the course of a few months 1-2 yard at a time.
A view from the back porch.
looking back
I had a litte turtle visit for a little bit
This is today
my water Mellon
This is a huge sweet potato plant now!!
This is one of the largest ocra plants I have seen its huge over 6ft now!!!
catnip their favorite!!!
A second round of these massive tomatoes!!!
Inside the greenhouse it looks like this now
Mellons are almost ripe. maybe a few more days or week and ill have some massive ones!!
starting to yellow
Still white on bottom
As you can see Its grown to huge garden. Its been a lot of fun building this backyard and sharing my fruits. I honestly have had to give away more than I can even eat or keep for my self and their no better feeling than helping others and giving them some of the best food they have tasted straight from the plant.
All my dirt and plants are non gmo and organic ect. I used a mix of seeds and some store bought plants but all in all I did this fun as I knew I always wanted to try it out and give back to life in every way I could.
Ill post more smaller posts of updates and really pretty photos
Thanks for the votes and comments guys!!
Have wonderful day as you let these photos, with their stories lift your happiness level to places truly bliss you out.