Well those mice were rampant. I lost 100s of tomatillos, 20+ herlomes, 6+ watermellons, some peppers. And vines they chomped through.
I finally had to posion them with bait. It was so bad they would scatter when i would go out back. Lol
Well those mice were rampant. I lost 100s of tomatillos, 20+ herlomes, 6+ watermellons, some peppers. And vines they chomped through.
I finally had to posion them with bait. It was so bad they would scatter when i would go out back. Lol
Now, you inspired me to write a post about a non-poison method to catch rats and mice. Great garden!!! I like wild gardens too.
Man i tried so many traps, glue, ect. They have a whole niwghboorhood issue.
I think my best defence right now will be organising the garden in such a way that will not premote them.
Being so bushy they have so much cover.
Even if i catch/kill in anouther way other than posion im afried it will be constanct issue in this part of the area.
Being a urban area we have a lot of fields that then become built up and it displaces a lot of mice and other animals too, Into the neighborhood.
WE are challenged that way as well. Only with rats - not mice. The big problem with poison is that the natural predators will eat the dead mice full of poison and get poisoned as well.
You know that is said to be issue with posions but I have two cats that do actively kill mice daily, eat bunnies ect. And they avoid the dead mice, as well as any other animals I have seen around. I'm not saying its ideal, I'm just giving more credit to predators knowing that mice is poisoned.
Im not sure what else to really try to catch them in traps or what is the best trap to use.
That is good to know!! We find the 5gal water bucket trap very effective. I'll try to make it into a post today to explain it well.....
See I have that one, but they never went after the peanut butter. They wanted the tomatoes.
Bad mice!!! You need more cats :)