To create a clean and healthy environment, community service activities need to be carried out on an ongoing basis and the involvement of all employees of the Kartoharjo District, Madiun City, is required. This activity aims to clean the environment around the office in mutual cooperation so as to create a clean and healthy office environment.
In Kartoharjo District, community service is especially often carried out every month at least once, such as cleaning each room, cleaning the office yard, cleaning the area behind the office and other activities.
Community service to clean up the environment is carried out to create a healthy environment, free of dirt, garbage and grass. With a healthy environment, we will not be susceptible to disease.
"Implementation of community service activities on a regular basis is very important, because it greatly affects the comfort, beauty and beauty of the office environment," said Head of Kartoharjo Sub-district Anita Maharani, S.STP, MM.
The purpose of holding this activity is to clean the environment so that it is always beautiful and comfortable for all of us. Because in the spring season like this many diseases arise, so by holding this activity at least reducing the source of disease from a dirty work environment. In addition, this activity also aims to foster social relations between employees and mutual cooperation.