Happy Chickens and Some Gardeness (VIDEO)

in #garden8 years ago

First, please allow me to apologize for the sound, I usually do not play music all the way through my videos because I seem to have issues with this as no matter how low I turn it down in the editor and that I can barely hear it when working on it, it always ends up being much louder in the finished product. I have no idea why this is. However, the drag races were going on close by and I was trying to help cover up some of the extra background noise.

This is just a brief back garden and chicken update. I do have more to come and still more blogs in folders waiting to be written as I find the time. Now I must get back to cleaning and putting up all the BLACKBERRIES Mr. Rain and I picked yesterday!

Happy Monday everyone!


I LOVE your garden and happy free range chickens, what a great video! Thanks for sharing your home.

I did not notice the music till the very end :D very nice great update thanks for sharing