Losing 2.3% should be viewed as a cost of buying upvotes! Almost all my bid bot experience is negative ROI, and don't trust those that show a maximum loss. @estabond shows a (10%) maximum loss, but I lost 20% my last times using them
Now this is negative ROI! - This I understand getting upset about.
A bid of 526.97 SBD for bot with only 284.54 in total vote.

I agree @senstless, it is calculated risks that we take. And it is ROI - an investment - but some think it should have no risk and blame others for their loss. Don't want to lose? Don't gamble. My friend that has never used a bidbot has never lost a cent. 😉
I already sent @jasonshick 1 SBD as a gesture of good intent. I got a flag and the comments of my post that I have been putting together since mid-February trashed. Fair trade, huh? LOL Oh and I lost the round too. Should have stayed in bed is what I think I should've done.
This topic hit home, and I am really looking forward to re-reading once I get time I just started gardening last year, and really want the kids to be more involved this year.
I applause you temperament, I fear I would not be so level headed and just start a flagging war.
Full-time dad here of two and four year olds, so I have learned patience..LOL
I appreciate the support and I do hope this information is helpful to many. The current series (what is published thus far) is about 80+ minutes of reading, so it should have something of value for just about everyone.
I want more people to realize there is freedom in independence and we can find both financial freedom and the gratification of doing something for ourselves.
I think getting the kids involved in gardening is a great way to spend quality time as a family, we all learn from that experience, and it teaches youth a spectrum of skills that can greatly benefit them and society in the future.
I really appreciate you dropping by and feel free to join me in the discord anytime! STEEM ON! 🚀