A little evening walk in my own garden is priceless.
I used to plan a lot of flowers in Summer but this year i am traveling often to see my new home... it leaves me no choice but to reduce the garden work because i will not be able to spend several hours daily in the garden anymore.
I have many fruit trees and many different types if flowers like roses, lavender and some seasonal flowers.
Less time but with much Love 💕
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Nice garden, I really like lavender.
Thanks, me too
Lavendel ist der Beruhigende Duft der Gemüte- ich liebe Lavendel.
Ja das stimmt! Die Bienen und die Schmetterlinge freuen sich auch 🐝🦋
I like your lavenders and your garden.
All the girls that like flowes are very beautiful. I believe that so you are!
You have a nice garden, well taken care of.
Just the opposite of me when I was in Canada: I abandoned my backyard to nature and let things grow, a wild plum tree that spread out, a mountain ash that grew huge, some cedars that the deer were hiding under for the night (and didn't mind me watching them through the basement window - in fact, they were watching me doin my art). Some berry bushes that were seeded in also spread out (I never planted them) which attracted a badger and the occasional skunk. Basically, a little bit of a jungle, including local wildflowers. I never lifted a finger in the backyard. The deer kept the grassy areas trimmed (but also ate the flowers).