Stages of Banana Fruit

in #garden7 years ago


Living in Rural makes me able to see first hand the various plants that are commonly sold in Urban. Even some plants are in my house like banana trees.

Tinggal di Pedesaan membuat saya dapat melihat langsung berbagai tanaman yang biasa dijual di Perkotaan. Bahkan beberapa tanaman terdapat dirumah saya seperti pohon pisang.


I am sure that the people in town do not know much about how the conception process. Many think that bananas come straight out of banana trees like other fruits.

Saya yakin bahwa orang-orang yang di kota tidak banyak yang tahu tentang bagaimana proses pembuahan. Banyak yang berpikir bahwa buah pisang langsung keluar dari pohon pisang seperti buah-buahan lain.


In fact, before becoming a banana, first come out something that resembles RPG weapons as shown in Figure 1. Inside there are flowers that then become bananas when it's big.

Padahal kenyataannya, sebelum menjadi pisang, terlebih dulu keluar sesuatu yang menyerupai senjata RPG seperti yang terlihat pada gambar 1. Didalamnya terdapat bunga-bunga yang kemudian menjadi pisang ketika sudah besar.


Interesting, Zakir. I love bananas. Thank you. I like when you compare it with RPG weapon. I will remember that when I eat one.

Those are my words to explain the shape of the banana flower. I do that because I do not know what the name is.

In general is it like a tube, (a cylinder). You could say it is cylindrical in shape. I like RPG better.

Ooo,, i see..
Thanks for your information, sir.
My english still bad.

Your English is not bad, so do not be afraid to use it. You can communicate a thought even if some of the words are not perfect.