The era of globalization is increasingly sweeping to all parts of the earth also affect the changes in human diet, including in my country. Currently the my country population, especially in urban areas, depends not only on rice as staple food but some have replaced it with bread or instant noodles which are generally made from wheat flour. This poses a problem because wheat flour is made from wheat which is generally grown in sub-tropical areas, so almost all the needs of wheat flour is filled with importing wheat from other countries. It certainly drains the country's foreign exchange and makes our level of dependence on other countries higher.
In order to reduce the import of wheat, it is necessary to develop the cultivation of wheat in my country to meet some of the needs of wheat to be processed into wheat flour. So far, wheat crops in my country are only grown on a small scale for their own consumption. Agricultural Research Agency has conducted several studies that produce several varieties of wheat that can and is suitable for planting in my country.
Terms Grow
The ideal location for wheat cultivation in Indonesia is in the highlands to the highlands that have altitudes ranging from 800 m asl, with air temperature 15-25oC. The required air humidity is 80-90% with rainfall of at least 600 mm per year, soil pH 6.5-7.1 and loose soil and fertile is preferred by wheat crop. Stagnant soil is not favored by wheat crops.
Wheat Seed
Good grain seeds are: 1) Derived from a ripe panicle on the main stem, 2) has a uniform shape and color, 3) free from pests and diseases, and 4) has a high weight and uniform. Wheat seeds have a dormancy period that is not too long ie 0 to 4 months. The required seed is 75-100 kg / ha with the tugal system. Varieties that are widely grown in Indonesia today are Dewata and Selayar.
The soil is hoisted as deep as 25-30 cm a week before planting, then left, if previously the soil is taken then the soil treatment is done twice. After that make beds about 2 meters in width with length adjust to the condition of the land, ditch between beds made as wide as 50 cm 25 cm deep.
Wheat should be planted early in the dry season or the end of the rainy season. How to plant using tugal in the sequence then seed 1-2 grains put into the hole then closed again using the ground. Spacing used is 20 cm x 10 cm or 25 x 10 cm.
After planting wheat seeds and basic fertilization, the land needs to be watered so that the seeds can germinate and grow well. Furthermore, irrigation is done after weeding and aftershocking is at the age of 30 HST (Day After Planting), at the time of the pregnant phase to out the panicle (45-65 HST) and in the filling phase of seeds to cook (70-90 HST).
Weeding and Fertilization
Basic fertilization can be done before or at planting time. Organic fertilizers mixed with soil in beds of 10-20 tons / ha. Weeding is done together with follow-up fertilization. Supplementary fertilizer is given at 7-14 HST of 100 kg / ha of urea, 100 kg / ha SP36 and 50 kg / ha KCl, while the second follow-up fertilizer is given at 30 HST at the same dose of 100 kg / ha urea, 100 kg / ha SP36 and 50 kg / ha KCl. Third weeding can be done if weed / high population.
Pest and Disease Control
The main pests of wheat crops are one of the soil caterpillars that can be controlled by giving Furadan to the planting hole. Other major pests are green ladybugs and aphids that can be controlled by spraying insecticides. The fungus attacks during high rainfall and is controlled by fungicide spraying
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