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RE: Springtime at the Garden of Eaton

in #gardening7 years ago

This is really an awesome post! I really like seeing posts about the community garden activity, it's a good way for people who can't garden where they live to have a garden.
How large is each plot?
Our town has a small community garden, there's 12 plots in it, each is 14 feet by 20 feet. I rented 2 plots this year because I don't already have enough to do, you know... :-)
I had 1 plot there for the 2 previous years, and the plot next to mine was empty for both years, so I rented it also and covered it with black plastic to kill the grass. I don't know if I'll actually use it this year or not, but it won't have grass growing in it anyway. :-)


The plots are 15'x15' and there is one community plot that people can plant extra seeds or starters in. The program is pretty successful and it is very rare that a plot goes unclaimed at any of the sites. Not every one finishes the season though. We check in with people twice a month to make sure they are interested in continuing so that we can get waiting list people in as soon as possible.

Each season returning gardeners get priority and can keep their plot or move in to any open one. If someone does not return, that plot goes to a new person.

As far as I know our community garden program is the largest in the state by far. Our community has a pretty varied history with regard to vegetable gardening and has been nicknamed The Garden City since the early 1900's.