Very nice job, mate. Like the way you tackled the weed beds. I did a similar thing with my own garden boarders but used wood chips.
Very nice job, mate. Like the way you tackled the weed beds. I did a similar thing with my own garden boarders but used wood chips.
Wood chips work mate, but after time they compost down and you have to top up the beds and weeds like to grow in it. but anything to keep them away is a plus to me mate as I hate weeding. :D
wood chips work well mate, you have to top them off every couple of years as they compost down, but anything to keep them weeds at bay. :D
I didn’t know wood chip did that, but there’s a lot a don’t know when it comes to gardening 🧑🌾 I lived at one place which was infested with knot weeds! OMG it drove me crazy. Still, there’s not much that beats a good looking garden after some hard work.
knotweed is a hard weed mate, I have mares tale down the allotment and that nearly ruined me, I ended up spraying it with white vinegar to try and keep it at bay, but it still kept coming.
A flamethrower might be a good idea