Today, something amazing happened, it was a call that will change my life and my families life forever.
Today, while out shopping I got a phone call, a phone call that I have been waiting for a long time to receive, this call put a smile on my face and this smile would be there all day.
I don't know if you guys can remember but last year I was looking at getting an allotment, I had already seen one but after driving 20 minutes to take a look I decided against it.
Today, I got that phone call that I have been waiting for, the council phoned me to tell me an allotment had become available for me, and that turned my day upside down.
With the current situation happening at the moment and lockdown been in place my mood like everybody else's has been on a downhill slope and I didn't think anything would pick me up.
Unlike most people I have been living with a mental health problem that has affected me since birth, this problem affects my mood my attitude, and even my motivation.
I have a lot of routines in place to keep myself from falling ill and with the lockdown in place, I haven't been able to keep to my routines, this has had a knock-on effect on my life to the point where I could see myself in the hospital because of it.
Then the phone rang, it was a call from a guy who ran the allotments near me, he told me that a couple had given theirs up due to unforeseen circumstances and that I was the next on the list.
The call was something that brought hope into my life again, something that I haven't felt in a while, I was quick to tell the guy that I would love to view it and asked when?
It was a simple thing that I had to do, I had to wait an hour and he would meet me at the car park to show me my allotment, social distancing of course.
I set off a little earlier than I planned, strapped the wife and kids in the car, and with the help of my sat nav I drove to the location within 6 minutes of me setting off. one problem, there was no allotment to be seen.
I didn't let that stop me I carried on looking for this allotment driving down different roads until I pulled the car over to phone the guy to ask where I had to go.
It turns out that I had miss heard the postcode and drove to a different village altogether, and with that I turned around and drove back to the right location.
I pulled up and the council guy was there to meet me, it was a straight forward meeting, sign one piece of paper and I was shown to my plot, all while the wife and kids sat in the car.
I was amazed at the size and the layout of the whole place I was gobsmacked at what I saw in the middle of the allotment.
I went back for the wife and kids and decided to go and show them what I had on my allotment and it was ours to use.
When my wife and kids walked into our own little patch their eyes widened, they were as excited as me, in the middle of my plot was a summer house.
Yes our very own summer house, that was staying, the people before had left it and it was there to stay, ours to use and it will be a place that we can hang around in for years to come.
My wife took some photos of the allotment and I think we got a great deal on this, to be honest. check out these pictures.
On the allotment in the price we have to pay every year we got.
A summer house
A shed
A 1000l water container
which to me is a steal.
The final photo is a picture of the back of the allotment, this is something that I really had to share with you, not only is it an extra bit of land but when cleared of all the waste at the end leads to a river.
and bang next to my allotment we also have a stream too.
We spent hours down at the allotment, digging weeding and sweeping, this was a day that all the kids put in work and helped and I could see from their faces they were really happy.
The sun was shining the chickens in next doors plot were clucking and this gave us all a positive experience that I think has brightened up us all.
I had to ask the council regarding the rules about covid and the allotment, I didn't want to get into any trouble going down and tending the land, and from what he told us we are free to go there and work as long as it is only our family, and he means people from our household and no one else.
It is a great day, we feel so alive and I will have a lot to share with you guys as I progress with the land.
hope to catch you all soon,
Until next time, stay safe.
What wonderful news. I'm so glad it isn't all doom and gloom for you
It's still a little doom and gloom but having a second place to go to helps a little. there is a lot of work to be done there so it will keep me busy.
Been back today to do some more work and we all got wet as the rain came down like it didn't want us there lol :D