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RE: Revved Up Ragtag - Prepping For Spring '18

in #gardening7 years ago

Thanks. Luckily, we're content with being homebodies which helps on a whole bunch of levels. I've been squirreling away a few bucks from here and there so I have enough for two cattle panels, plus a bit extra for surprise incidentals. Now I'm aiming for a cordless drill so I don't have to borrow the neighbor's. The greenhouse is only the first project on my list. (Don't want to be a pest although he'd probably not mind.)

I wonder what would be a good cash crop for a local produce market. Hubby goes there enough and he's always chatting up the owner. They get in stuff from all over & are known for good quality. It'd have to be something they have trouble getting. Might have to give this some more thought...


Its hard to say what could be a really good cash crop for a farmers market. Maybe raspberries could be decent but they take a year or so to get established. Also possibly asparagus. Corn is another you can get top dollar for.