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RE: We Give Away Free Organic Produce & Yesterday We Received A Beautiful Surprise!

in #gardening8 years ago

I love your philosophy!
We don't really have any neighbors that could walk by as we are isolated on a steep hill but we bring surpluses to the senior center, to church, the local food pantry and soup kitchen, everywhere we go. We even left a lot of apples at the transfer station for people to pick up when they come by to distribute their trash and recyclables.
This year the trees are more full than ever so we have hired a boy to help us out with the picking.
We triage everything: best for giving away, okay for us to preserve and last through the winter, poor for the pigs who live up the street anything unusable for the compost.

It is very satisfying to share our abundance. Try will like it.

Malachi 3:10
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.


Aww, that is SO beautiful @bchick!! I love the idea of leaving food at the recycling station, here, we have pretty long line-ups for that place, so how sweet would it be to munch on an apple while we waited!

Small town, so not a big crowd; actually no crowds at all and everyone has to bring their trash and recyclables here to distribute into the various sections.

But still, anyone who eats an organic apple has got to notice the difference from those that are produced by commercial growers.
Just like your signs we aim educate to by experience.

Whatever works in your neighborhood.
Last year at this time and with a warmer spring we were able to sell (for a nickel) zuchinni at the town wide yard sale. This year some people came specifically to see if there were any more. Sorry, late spring so the zucchini are just beginning to blossom this year but who would want to pay even a nickel for zucchini at this time of year?

Who would, why would anyone want to pay even a nickel for a vegetable that is being given way by every local gardener?

Beautifully said!! And Yes, absolutely I can taste the difference between store apples, and our own, or other local grown apples, I find the store ones actually burn my mouth! :'( I have to soak it all in apple cider vinegar and water first before I'll even give it to my family.